
Mar 10, 2011 12:44

Who: Yako Katsuragi [topslug] and YOU
When: The week of March 10th-March 16th. Just indicate the day and time in the subject of the thread.
Where: All over Siren's Port.
Summary: For someone who's just turned 20, Yako's been feeling awfully tired lately.
Warnings: PG13 to be safe.

rock me amadeus )

veser amaker hatch, franziska von karma, seth nightroad, yako katsuragi, france, lee chaolan, larry butz

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[Lunch @ the Cozy Chestnut Cafe] excellentviolet March 10 2011, 13:02:35 UTC
[Lee had something for trying out everything in an area. And the Port was no exception. Today, he was trying out things at the Cozy Chestnut Cafe, seeing if they had anything lunch-worthy.]


topslug March 10 2011, 13:37:29 UTC
Welcome to the Cozy Chestnut! May I take your order?

[ Smile bright and friendly, Yako comes to a stop beside Lee's table. The bulk of the cafe's customers come in during the late afternoon and evening, so the cafe doesn't have much of a lunch crowd; still, the murmur of voices is loud enough that she has to raise her voice a little to be heard. ]


excellentviolet March 10 2011, 13:50:57 UTC
Ah-- hello. [Lee smiles, calm and professional, as always.]

Do you have anything to recommend for lunch?

[The suggestive expression on his face says "Give me the house specialty."]


topslug March 10 2011, 14:09:16 UTC
[ The guy seems like a real gentleman, not like the cafe's usual guests-- mostly hipsters, college students, and aspiring poets. She tilts her head for a second, thinking.

She leans over his table to point out the items on the menu as she speaks. ]

The lengua con setas is the house specialty, but if you want my personal recommendation, I'd say the chicken spinach lasagna is a good choice, and it really fills you up!


excellentviolet March 10 2011, 14:13:35 UTC
Interesting. [He chuckles, looking over the items on the menu. Then he looks back at the girl.]

Well, I think I'd like to have what a pretty girl like you recommends. I'll take one order of that chicken spinach lasagna, then. And then a Raspberry Iced Mocha.


why that icon, omg topslug March 11 2011, 11:21:10 UTC
All right. [ A warm grin. ] One chicken spinach lasagna and one raspberry iced mocha, coming right up!

[ Nimble as a cat, she darts away to relay Lee's order to the kitchen, skirt fluttering in her wake. She's not gone too long, though: after five minutes or so, she trots back with Lee's drink. ]

Here you go, sir! [ She sets it down on the table with a clink. ]


8D /hits you with another. excellentviolet March 13 2011, 13:16:05 UTC
Thank you so much.

[Accidentally, his hand brushes against hers as she sets down his drink.]


w-wow lee, wow. topslug March 13 2011, 15:38:10 UTC
[ There's a tingle, at first, then a sudden shock, like lifting your hand long after it's fallen asleep and finding it tingling with pins and needles. It's a good thing Yako's already put the drink down, or she would have dropped it: as it is, she sways unsteadily on her feet, grabbing the edge of the table to keep herself upright. ]

Ah-- [ Now that was weird. ]


XD All Tekken men are walking shirtless scenes. excellentviolet March 15 2011, 04:55:56 UTC
[ooc: Also, I'm ninja-bumping this to March 14 because akdjfasdf HIBI SO SLOW. And I need to remind myself to make a Lee post when I get home later.]

[At first, he thinks that what he feels is just a bit of static electricity-- nothing strange when you're always working with electronics. Then Lee notices how the girl seemed unsteady on her feet and leans forward to catch her back with his arm.]

Are you alright...?


IKR also I'm even slower holy shit topslug March 17 2011, 05:20:39 UTC
Y-yeah, I'm fine! [ She straightens, to prove it, and smiles weakly at him. It feels like this has been happening a lot, lately... ]

I'm sorry about that, sir.


SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW excellentviolet March 19 2011, 17:03:30 UTC
[Lee gives her a reassuring smile.]

It's alright. No harm done.


topslug March 23 2011, 15:00:42 UTC
[ For a moment, it looks like Yako might say something more, but a sharp ting announces another order to be served, and she looks at Lee wryly. ]

Well, ah-- enjoy your drink, sir! [ She adjusts her nametag, which has gotten skewed in this whole mess, and scoots off. ]


excellentviolet March 24 2011, 12:50:07 UTC
[Aww. No more time for little conversation. Lee will keep her face in mind, though. Pretty faces are always worth remembering.]


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