Wretches and Kings

Feb 25, 2011 13:56

Who: Professor X, Magneto, Griffin O'Conner, Harry Dresden, Snow Villiers, Hellmaster Phirizzo, and anyone else associated with these people who might have been invited by them and wants to pop in.
When: Backdated Thursday night to Friday morning, start 11PM; 02-24-11
Where: Plaster murders scene, House of Awesome, Siren's Port
Summary: Operation Hope Vengeance and the tracking of the killer, starting with a clever act tag-teaming Xavier's mind-control with Griffen's teleportation.
Warnings: Will update as necessary. Violence; extreme violence if we catch him sooner than later. ;D

Charles had a searing headache appeased only by the frequenty rubbing of his forefinger to his temple, and a bit of aide from the one and only, Master of Electromagnetism, who's energy and temper (though justified and matching his own on a more external level) was not helping ease his mind at all, especially with the link they shared, open with each other.

He sat back in the small chair, hands tapping the table absently. He waited for a critique. Would his idea work? He had little doubt. But this was still a team effort, and the plan needed the OK from everyone. The light was dim. His coffee was cold. His legs were aching a little from his stress. But he wasn't going to sleep until whoever did this to Hope met the true face of justice.

He had suggested they use Phibrizzo and Harry to cast tracking spells using plaster from the crime scene that would be obtained by Griffin. He himself would open the scene for the boy by briefly taking over the minds of the police at the scene, and anyone else at the spot at the time, and ensure from there that no one remember seeing anyone take anything. The wizards would take it from there.

magneto, harry dresden, sander cohen, charles xavier, hellmaster phibrizzo, claudio kilgannon, griffin o'conner

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