post-valentine's day massacre

Feb 25, 2011 20:05

Who: Tonegawa and anyone!
When: Feb, 25th, mid-afternoon.
Where: Sector 4
Summary: Tonegawa, utterly furious somewhat displeased at his lack of progress in the jobs market, is less than thrilled to find that not only does he have to suffer the indignity of being unemployed, he's also denied his nicotine fix. The horror. Anyone have a lighter to spare?
Warnings: None!

I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t have any openings for that position. Would you like to try an entry level job? There are several positions currently going free for working on the casino floor… openings on the checkouts… looking for more waiting staff…

Tonegawa let the door to the building slam shut behind him and pounded down the street, doing his damnedest to ignore the steady trickle of colour that was slowly but surely rising from his neck to his face. A man of his age, his experience, working on the checkouts like some sixteen year old part-timer?! He wouldn’t condescend to even consider that for more than a second, never mind take them up on their offer. It was a damn insult.

His brutal assault on the pavement was forced to a halt when he reached the bus stop. For some reason he’d expected having to take the bus to abrade, but then when you’d spent most of your life in the big city it was difficult not to become accustomed to public transport, no matter who you were. It was more the loss of his car that bothered him; back in Tokyo, even owning it had been a status symbol. Now he couldn’t even think of having any car full stop until he got a job, and that was…

With another aggravated sigh, he dropped a hand into his pocket and groped around for his cigarettes and lighter- it was a new pack and the brand was laughable (not that he recognised it, but it was the cheapest on offer) but there were still only three left. That was going to burn through his wallet in no time flat, even at that price. Maybe if he’d still had his watch he could have pawned that, but, no, he’d stupidly given it to Kaiji before he’d arrived. Maybe Kaiji still had it. Hmm.

Only half paying attention, Tonegawa flicked the thumbwheel on the lighter and waited for his cigarette to light. Nothing. “Come on, come on...” He tried again, flicking it harder- and all he got for his trouble was a miserable little sputter, as if the thing had caught a rather nasty cough. And the more he tried, the more pathetic the noise became, until finally he was forced to admit defeat. Great. So now he was out of lighter fluid as well. As if things weren't bad enough already.

heiwajima shizuo, tonegawa yukio, black mask, *open log

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