Not quite the hero I was looking for...

Dec 11, 2010 20:46

Who: starlithysteria and wtf_keyblade
When: December 7th. Sometime after the Sirens. [Backdated.]
Where: Baseball Diamond / Starting Point.
Summary: A rude awakening awaits Rinoa when she arrives, but Kairi comes to save the day (?).
Warnings: Fighting, monsters and information overload.

Being ripped out of a coma and pulled from her world was quite a ride and Rinoa's head was spinning so badly that it took almost a minute for her to realize she had stopped moving. Every inch of her body was throbbing, which made it take a while for her to sit up and take a look around at the dark baseball field that she had ended up in.

Where was she? "Hello?" Her voice carried then was swallowed by the darkness surrounding her. When no answer came she stood up, "Squall?" She turned in a circle before she called out more names. "Zell? Quistis? Seliphie? Irvine?" A moment later she lifted her hand to place her fingers in her mouth so she could make the loud whistle she used to call her dog. "Angelo!"

Another few seconds without any response and her heart started to drum loudly in her chest as fear forced her body into motion. She stumbled forward awkwardly, nearly tripping over her own tired legs as she tried to run in search of another living soul. "... Any-!" Her general plea for anybody to answer her was cut short when she caught sight of one of the many signs posted nearby.

You're fucked now, newmeat.

Um... where ever she was, that sign helped clue her in that it wasn't a safe place for someone that was alone. Especially if they kept making so much noise. ... oops?

kairi, rinoa heartilly

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