Someone must have been telling lies about Joseph K.

Dec 12, 2010 08:33

Who: Miles Edgeworth, Prosecutor. Jomy Marquis Shin, Mind-Reader.
When: Saturday, December 11. SHUT ORP I WAS BUSY LAST NIGHT. I WAS MAKING PIES. I'm sorry for backdating this.
Where: The Sector Four police station.
Summary: It's a tough case to crack. The police need the help of a respected prosecutor and an experienced psychic. Unfortunately, it's Saturday night, so only these two are working.
Warnings: Uh...Dag. I guess references to the crime in question? Mild violence, therefore? Honestly, I don't even have to warn for potty-mouth. These two are too polite. In their language, at least.

It was some seven in the evening before the suspect finally became the confessed. Edgeworth, being the sole competent attorney in the room, stayed in with one officer as the man wrote out his confession; he waved Mr. Shin outside for a well-deserved break, as he would be calling upon his abilities one more time before they were able to go home.

It took another thirty minutes before the wording was appropriate, the details were sufficient, and Mr. Mclintock's overexcitable defense attorney was willing to give it the okay. At that point, Edgeworth asked that Mr. Mclintock be taken back to his cell before going out to meet with Mr. Shin once more.

This was an arson case - one that had quite honestly seemed straightforward. However, as the daughter of a somewhat notorious SERO scientist had perished in the burning building, the force had decided to treat this with all due gravity. Or, rather, nearly all due gravity: they did bring in an attorney to supervise the confession, and spared one of their mind-readers for the job, but the attorney was Edgeworth and the mind-reader Mr. Shin, for whom this was the first exercise of his power. They'd had no choice in the matter: there'd been only three attorneys working that Saturday evening and two had been affiliated with AGI, and the disgraced newcomer to whom they were forced to turn actually refused to work with any other save Mr. Shin. No doubt they'd be bitter about being compelled to make such concessions at the loss of public relations points.

Yet perhaps the confession they'd received would compensate for that bitterness. The defense attorney Mclintock had demanded didn't come cheaply, yet had proven himself to be quite incompetent. He hadn't prevented his client from making certain that he knew Ms. Hastings was in the building, that he hoped that the fire would get back at Dr. Hastings for the things he'd done to the people of this city. That statement turned what would have been arson into what could go as high as murder in the second degree - a strange instance of stumbling upon justice.

Edgeworth found Shin in the breakroom and closed the confession once more. He handed it over to the other man.

"Here. Check this for accuracy, if you would."

jomy marquis shin, miles edgeworth

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