I was thinking of the inconsistency of civilization.

Oct 19, 2010 18:42

Who: Open to Party: Tag Yourself In!
When: Tuesday, October 16th, Around Noon
Where: Sector Six, Spencer’s Hunting Grounds
Summary: Arrested as a cover, Claudio has been taken back by The Hunter and put back into a human hunt. Legalized hunts happen often, and hunting slaves is considered okay if there is a paper trail. While Lawyers Edgeworth and ( Read more... )

kenpachi zaraki, terrance 'trauma' ward, jubilee, *npc: city characters, claudio kilgannon, riku, billy kaplan, jinx

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Comments 58

hexyoutotuesday October 19 2010, 23:04:37 UTC
[Property damage? Why, that's Jinx's first and middle name. It helps that she's incredibly angry at the moment, and pumped up to kick some hunter ass. Also? They took her Claudio. No one touches either of her roommates except her, got it? So, leading the strike force, she takes it upon herself to make an entry point into the grounds. There was not time to fight their way through the front gate, so it's time to make a hole.

It was going to be a big hole.

Her hands and eyes lit up bright fuchsia, and with something that could be described as either a battle cry or a scream of pure rage, the little sorceress takes her vengeance out on the 15 foot tall wall. A good section of it, about eight feet wide to be exact, starts breaking apart and crumbling. If you're not careful, you might be hit by flying, hot pieces of rock. Oh, and that electrified barbed wire? It now looks like broken bits of lit sparklers on the 4th of July.]

Let's move out, team.


likeshiscape October 20 2010, 00:21:15 UTC
[Looked like Jinx had the wall covered, so the first thing Billy did was will a brief shield into existence, translucent and blue-glowing just to cover them from flying chunks of wreckage. Really, he couldn't blame her for venting her spleen on any target available, including poor innocent inanimate walls--well, maybe not so innocent, considering where it was.]

[There seemed a few people in the crowd entirely willing to follow her example, too. Not that he was feeling particularly generous towards these supposed hunters either, but he was still too much of an outsider to have the personal connection they did. Actually, it was kind of touching how protective Jinx and the others were of Claudio, exactly the way any of his friends would have been for him. It seemed only right to help them out.]

((ooc: just fyi, I'll be slow with tags because of work, so feel free to go on without me!))


thelittlestbub October 20 2010, 00:38:01 UTC
[It felt damned good to be back in her X-uniform. Normally, she worked in leather, but tonight was just an unstable molecules kinda night. Besides, it'd offer a little protection from the hunters.

She'd changed her bright yellow jacket for a black one that she'd gotten from somewhere. The inside pockets held all sorts of treasures - a knife (trap sabotage, and various other uses); bandages (for owies); flask of Seven Crown (for luck, or owies); and a dart gun (because Jubes didn't kill people, but she had no problem tranq-ing them within an inch of their lives).

She simply tapped her sunglasses down over her eyes and stuffed a piece of gum into her mouth. Time to rock and roll.]

Let's turn up the juice and see what shakes loose.


xxkenpachixx October 20 2010, 11:36:56 UTC
[Kenpachi was here because he had been promised a chance to wreck the place. He didn't have much sympathy for someone weak enough to get caught and imprisoned in a place like this, but the people in charge sounded like bastards who deserved a little trouble. He was also hoping one of those hunters in there would put up a good fight.

He smiled down at Jubilee as everything exploded, his face split by a scary grin, but instead of walking through the new entrance, he jumped up to the top of the wall to survey the grounds below.]


Hunter One... thepull_npc October 22 2010, 07:25:06 UTC
[...The male elementist ( ... )


walkthedawn October 22 2010, 13:33:49 UTC
[This one didn't seem interested in the prisoners. That was fine, but if he caught sight of the people actually attempting to set them all free, he'd be an issue. Riku was determined to be sure he never became that.

Skin darkened and eyes an eerie gold, he moves as one with the dark for now, Xehanort's voice echoing in his head about tactics.

Move silently. Embrace the darkness.

When he spots the man, he's the first to strike, sending out a malicious wave of darkness right for the man, intended only to stun.]


thepull_npc October 23 2010, 02:14:38 UTC
[He had no problem taking the life of a human though. He'd fire on the other hunters if he needed to. All of them were in the way of his trophy ( ... )


walkthedawn October 23 2010, 13:05:31 UTC
[Riku was moving silently through the dark itself, through betwixt and between, never allowing himself to stay in one position for long. However, he paused when he saw the rocks fly down and strike the ground, sending out minute shock waves everywhere.

At first, he didn't quite understand why that had happened. Was the hunter blind? No, he seemed just fine, which meant this was more about gaining an advantage.

He had noticed the darkness, though. Pity. He'd need to get close enough to really surprise him, but for now, Riku simply summoned as much darkness he could muster as a distraction and sent it at the man's unprotected side just as he disappeared. He came back into view mere inches from where the man would be turning, blade drawn to strike at the gun in his hands.]


Hunter two... thepull_npc October 22 2010, 07:32:25 UTC
[...the blue speedy runner]

[He took off slowly to start, the last to leave the gates and into the grounds. He wandered casual, two swords on his back, looking about like he was shopping for land. Shocking blue hair and pale blue skin, simply dressed in jeans and a shirt with cross draw guns on his hips. There was a demented smile on his elongated face that would scare his own mother. He clearly was looking for fun.]

[His main target was either the werewolf or the tiger girl. The wolf he knew would be in a form of an animal by now, untraceable as a human, all the better though. What better to own then the fur suit of a werewolf draped upon the back of your new tiger girl slave. None the less, he didn’t look out of the ordinary on power levels, and just strolled along slow, but careful]

[He’d first be found around the small lake like area, outside of a tree line, inspecting the ‘cave’ opening that lead into the underground hunting grounds. That could be interesting...]


hexyoutotuesday October 22 2010, 09:54:25 UTC
[Ignoring her own orders, Jinx ran off on her own, not caring where the others were. All she cared about was getting her roommate back and taking her pound of flesh in the process. Not killing, but giving the hunters back everything they gave. She was karma, and she was a bitch[Claudio was probably hiding somewhere. She was not easily going to find him, but she knew well enough that he would grab her if he saw her. So time to cover as much ground as possible. She was fast, faster than most, darting through trees and keeping her eyes and ears open. When she spotted a cave, she immediately ducked into it. She could not smell anyone within, or feel an aura, but Claudio was hard to sense. After a moment of searching, it was time to move on... until she heard footsteps ( ... )


thepull_npc October 22 2010, 10:28:46 UTC
[There was a glow inside this cave, and a voice. His eyes squinted, but he still smiled, looking in, the light from the dim day back lighting him on the outside. His hands rested on his hips, his smile spread dangerously wide over his face. So this was one of the Hunted? Her words amused him though...]

[When the rocks exploded and were sent towards him he was... gone. Not even a blue streak. He just appeared to be gone. The rocks shooting past him instead of hitting him.]

[There came a rush of wind though, and one might realize that he had moved before she exploded anything. A wet streak would cross her cheek as he licked her, now standing behind her, no weapon out yet, but pressed into her back and grinning at her ear]

Cute. I like the exploding rocks bit. What else can you do, little hunter~ [Was he still there? Doubtful, as he might just have ran off again, unless you can stop that]


hexyoutotuesday October 22 2010, 10:45:21 UTC
[Stand her ground. Stand her ground no matter what happened. There was too many rocks flying every which way to know what hit him, but she felt him zoom past. Shit. Just like Kid Flash. But... she knew how now. She went over the fights with him over and over again in her head for months. She knew this. When he licked her cheek, she did not even flinch. Stand her ground. Even with him so close behind her, speaking in her ear, she did not move a muscle. If he was going to kill her quickly, she would have been dead already. If this was a game for him, then she had an advantage.]

I'm not a hunter. I'm your... [He moved to run. She could feel his aura. He was fast, but her mind was faster. A hex lit up his feet, tripping him, little bursts slashing at his ankles and calves. Gracefully, she turned toward him, lifting her hand into the air.] WORST NIGHTMARE! [She brought her hand back down as he fell and slashed her claws across his face. She cut him from his temple, over his eye, tearing the soft tissue, blinding it, slashed over his nose ( ... )


Hunter three... thepull_npc October 22 2010, 07:38:34 UTC
[...the ninja]

[He looked like a pale faced businessman in black, with glasses, though at the moment he was barely seen. When the time came for them to take off he carefully pulled up a face mask that concealed his lower face, his glasses still seen and clear. In a blink, he was gone.]

[Darting through the upper part of the grounds he rarely stepped foot on the ground, and if he did, only for a moment, taking off into the trees like a ninja in the night.]

[There were traps set as he went, to catch his hunt off guard, to snare them swiftly if they stumbled into it. He would know exactly where they were if they set off a trap too.]

[This guy? He actually caught one. At some point that afternoon a trap went off, a scream was heard and a Pyromancer was caught by the ankles, strung upside down from a tall tree, and flailing.]


mademyhell October 23 2010, 01:17:10 UTC
[He'd attempted to follow Jinx, but had quickly found that to be fucking impossible. She was a hell of a lot faster than him when she wasn't pissed as hell and ready to take on the whole goddamn world. So he gave up and just tried to keep in roughly her direction. Who knew when things would go even more to shit, and he wanted to be able to try and help when it did.

So Trauma, was on his own and trying his damn hardest to track Claudio down....where ever the hell he'd gotten to in all this. It didn't help that he couldn't sense a thing from the guy. Sure, the one time it would have been fucking useful to have these goddamn powers and he couldn't even find-

Trauma stopped short hearing the scream, unable to tell the direction from the sound, but able to feel the panic like second nature tugging on the back of his mind-Wateralwayswaterblockingairstoppingfirehardtobreathe-and he started to move in that direction, wanting to try and figure out what the fuck just happened and to who ( ... )


thepull_npc October 23 2010, 02:25:53 UTC
[First, the man in the trap was still yelling, arms flailing. There were sparks, flames being shot off out of his hands, from his mouth. he yelled, catching the grasses around him on fire, the tree that he hung from was on fire. He needed to get down, and knew no one was going to help him do that. The area around him though? Set to fire ( ... )


mademyhell October 23 2010, 08:33:39 UTC
[Trauma didn't like to use his powers. He didn't like how they felt. He didn't like the urge he had to keep using and using until it was the only thing he saw. He didn't like that it was even a possible thought in his mind to keep going from fear to fear. He fucking hated it.

But that didn't mean he wasn't really fucking good at it.

And more importantly, that didn't mean he wouldn't.

When the man turned to look at the floor of the created hunter created forest Trauma found his way in front of the ninja, seeming to drop out of nowhere, his voice distorted, and wrong as he spoke.]

You're pathetic, Xie-Jin.


Hunter four... thepull_npc October 22 2010, 07:47:49 UTC
[...the behemoth ( ... )


xxkenpachixx October 22 2010, 11:41:07 UTC
[Kenpachi was getting fucking tired of cutting down trees. His slicing and slashing made progress towards destroying the hunting grounds, but it wasn't giving him the fight he craved.

And there appearing suddenly on top of a slight rise in the landscape, was an imposing figure. The man's sheer size made him worth a second look. He just might have gotten his wish for a damn hunter worth fighting.

As Kenpachi ran closer, he hoped that his potential opponent had a weapon as brutal as his body.]


thepull_npc October 22 2010, 12:03:25 UTC
[he had two! On his back was a very large sharp double headed axe, and in his hands, slung over his shoulder was a spiked hammer with a very long pole. The brute stood tall, wide and scanning the grounds. He caught a flash of power coming up on his right, turning to face the oncoming force.]

[With a wild grin on his face, seeing hte impressive sized man coming towards him, he laughed] You're part of the hunt? [He called, swinging the hammer down and into the ground, sending a rumble through the earth and breaking up the ground, the path before the large man. He had no idea who this was, he wasn't in the party or the hunt list. An outsider?]

Come to play for free have ya?! [Still holding the hammer, his hand reached for the axe handle, just in case]


xxkenpachixx October 23 2010, 12:04:21 UTC
[Kenpachi met the hunter's wild grin with one of his own.]

You could say I'm part of the hunt. Just not the hunt you were fucking expecting.

[He held his stance as the ground rumbled beneath him, then darted up the slight rise in the terrain, jumping over rocks and crevices that appeared. The hammer wasn't a conventional weapon, and Kenpachi wondered how it would feel against his sword. He leapt high in the air and slashed down towards the arm holding it.]


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