I was thinking of the inconsistency of civilization.

Oct 19, 2010 18:42

Who: Open to Party: Tag Yourself In!
When: Tuesday, October 16th, Around Noon
Where: Sector Six, Spencer’s Hunting Grounds
Summary: Arrested as a cover, Claudio has been taken back by The Hunter and put back into a human hunt. Legalized hunts happen often, and hunting slaves is considered okay if there is a paper trail. While Lawyers Edgeworth and ( Read more... )

kenpachi zaraki, terrance 'trauma' ward, jubilee, *npc: city characters, claudio kilgannon, riku, billy kaplan, jinx

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Hunter two... thepull_npc October 22 2010, 07:32:25 UTC
[...the blue speedy runner]

[He took off slowly to start, the last to leave the gates and into the grounds. He wandered casual, two swords on his back, looking about like he was shopping for land. Shocking blue hair and pale blue skin, simply dressed in jeans and a shirt with cross draw guns on his hips. There was a demented smile on his elongated face that would scare his own mother. He clearly was looking for fun.]

[His main target was either the werewolf or the tiger girl. The wolf he knew would be in a form of an animal by now, untraceable as a human, all the better though. What better to own then the fur suit of a werewolf draped upon the back of your new tiger girl slave. None the less, he didn’t look out of the ordinary on power levels, and just strolled along slow, but careful]

[He’d first be found around the small lake like area, outside of a tree line, inspecting the ‘cave’ opening that lead into the underground hunting grounds. That could be interesting...]


hexyoutotuesday October 22 2010, 09:54:25 UTC
[Ignoring her own orders, Jinx ran off on her own, not caring where the others were. All she cared about was getting her roommate back and taking her pound of flesh in the process. Not killing, but giving the hunters back everything they gave. She was karma, and she was a bitch[Claudio was probably hiding somewhere. She was not easily going to find him, but she knew well enough that he would grab her if he saw her. So time to cover as much ground as possible. She was fast, faster than most, darting through trees and keeping her eyes and ears open. When she spotted a cave, she immediately ducked into it. She could not smell anyone within, or feel an aura, but Claudio was hard to sense. After a moment of searching, it was time to move on... until she heard footsteps ( ... )


thepull_npc October 22 2010, 10:28:46 UTC
[There was a glow inside this cave, and a voice. His eyes squinted, but he still smiled, looking in, the light from the dim day back lighting him on the outside. His hands rested on his hips, his smile spread dangerously wide over his face. So this was one of the Hunted? Her words amused him though...]

[When the rocks exploded and were sent towards him he was... gone. Not even a blue streak. He just appeared to be gone. The rocks shooting past him instead of hitting him.]

[There came a rush of wind though, and one might realize that he had moved before she exploded anything. A wet streak would cross her cheek as he licked her, now standing behind her, no weapon out yet, but pressed into her back and grinning at her ear]

Cute. I like the exploding rocks bit. What else can you do, little hunter~ [Was he still there? Doubtful, as he might just have ran off again, unless you can stop that]


hexyoutotuesday October 22 2010, 10:45:21 UTC
[Stand her ground. Stand her ground no matter what happened. There was too many rocks flying every which way to know what hit him, but she felt him zoom past. Shit. Just like Kid Flash. But... she knew how now. She went over the fights with him over and over again in her head for months. She knew this. When he licked her cheek, she did not even flinch. Stand her ground. Even with him so close behind her, speaking in her ear, she did not move a muscle. If he was going to kill her quickly, she would have been dead already. If this was a game for him, then she had an advantage.]

I'm not a hunter. I'm your... [He moved to run. She could feel his aura. He was fast, but her mind was faster. A hex lit up his feet, tripping him, little bursts slashing at his ankles and calves. Gracefully, she turned toward him, lifting her hand into the air.] WORST NIGHTMARE! [She brought her hand back down as he fell and slashed her claws across his face. She cut him from his temple, over his eye, tearing the soft tissue, blinding it, slashed over his nose ( ... )


thepull_npc October 22 2010, 11:06:03 UTC
[Oh she was good. He shouldn't have played with the little mouse like that. Now he was on the ground, bleeding from his head and growling a mongrels growl as he covered his face with a hand.] You bitch! [He growled, hollered a moment, because fuck, his eye, and his lip and nose and his damn FACE! His blood ran a odd color and smelled different, but blood was blood and he was spilling it ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday October 22 2010, 11:28:11 UTC
[The reason she lost to Kid Flash so many months ago was she reacted too quickly. She was never going to move as fast as he did. She was never going to punch quickly enough. Or grab him. She needed to wait, listen, watch, and make him make the poor choices. When the hunter went crazy, her lips curled in a self-satisfied smile ( ... )


thepull_npc October 22 2010, 11:55:03 UTC
[It was dumb, he should have known that, to fire a gun or two inside like this, but the panic of his missing eye and beautiful blue face was you know, painful. Generally he didn't get hurt. Not anymore. His speed was everything. He could out run bullets and speeding trains. His speed was what kept him alive, the bullets and swords as well. he was a winner of fast shoot competitions, a sword dancer and could run on water ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday October 22 2010, 13:26:38 UTC
[When he first showed off this speed, Jinx did not expect to win this fight. Maybe distract him and run. Which was the point of the cave-in she was causing. She could trap him, then go find Claudio. The fact that he was going crazy because of getting his face slashed was a surprise to her. Then it almost became fun. The adrenaline was running. She was terrified and thrilled at the same time. Months had passed since she last had a good fight. One that really meant something. When she hexed him into the cave wall, she anticipated him to be knocked around, maybe out, but not...]

[The rocks from the cave ceiling were settling as Jinx dashed toward the hunter. Her eyes were glowing now, adding extra light to see him perfectly. He was slumped there, choking on his words. She hated his voice. Her cheek was still moist from his tongue. Her wounds he made stung her bitterly. And something came over her. A low growl began in her throat. She was disgusted by him, almost infuriated, and somewhat terrified. Something like him could have already ( ... )


mademyhell October 23 2010, 20:58:29 UTC
[He'd finished up with Xie-Jin, more worse for wear from getting down the tree once the guy was down for the count with the surrounding trees being on goddamn fire, than from the actual fight. Trauma was alive and fucking fine and that was better than he could be sure off for the rest of the people in this fucking mess. He hadn't seen any of the others in long enough that he was starting to get really damn nervous.

And then he sensed Jinx. It was really fucking easy after this long. And hell, he was able to track her from knowing her fears. But this was just goddamn weird. It flared suddenly, louder than when he'd felt her panic...Then suddenly he could barely sense it. At all.

It was so sudden and fucking weird that he took off in that direction without thinking. What. The. Hell. Something could have gone really fucking wrong and he didn't know what to do i-]


[ Trauma spoke before he really got the chance to think, stopping short as he came up behind her. Well. Fuck. What the hell did she do now.]



hexyoutotuesday October 24 2010, 02:59:04 UTC
[Jinx had not moved. She stood there trying to catch her breath, holding the dead man down by the shoulder with her boot, hands on the sword through his heart. His other was through her stomach. His oddly colored blood was spilled all over the darkened cave floor. Her own blood dripped from the bullet grazes and the slice on her side. When she heard a voice, her body tensed, eyes going wide. Fuck, she was shaking badly. When she finally heard Trauma's voice saying her name, she felt a pang of guilt. She wanted to throw up.]

[Like she was just coming to, she gasped a cry of sheer fear. Her hands released their tight grasp on the sword, knuckles white. Slowly, she stepped off of him. Her hands went to her mouth and she gave off a horrified whimper. Taking several steps backward, past Trauma, she pressed her back against the cave wall, staring wide eyed at the speedster's body. His limp, bloody, lifeless corpse.]

We... we n-need to g-go.

[She couldn't look away. Her body was frozen. All the pain in her body was momentarily numb. She ( ... )


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