Who: Big Boss & Kaz (2/2)
When: Twilight
Where: Big Boss's bedroom / OUTER HEAVEN
Summary: Go on a date with Kaz (in bed). SNAKE ONLY. SINGLE PLAYER ONLY.
Warnings: ☠☠☠☠☠ (Sexual themes, manlove)
Time limit: None / Weapons Needed: No lethal weapons allowed / Items Needed: Something Kaz would like )
Comments 18
And he was warm. Jack buried his face in his neck and feathery hair, blowing warm air onto naked skin and having his fingertips brush against his arm. During the time that he'd been without Kaz, he'd realized a few things, most of all, how he couldn't stand to be separated from him for too long. Well, of course you'd start missing your friend after a certain time, everything else would be weird, but he hadn't missed Kaz the same way he'd missed, say, Huey or Amanda. And, of course, it's ( ... )
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