Aug 11, 2010 00:54

Who: Big Boss & Kaz (2/2)
When: Twilight
Where: Big Boss's bedroom / OUTER HEAVEN
Summary: Go on a date with Kaz (in bed). SNAKE ONLY. SINGLE PLAYER ONLY.
Warnings: ☠☠☠☠☠ (Sexual themes, manlove)

Time limit: None / Weapons Needed: No lethal weapons allowed / Items Needed: Something Kaz would like )

kazuhira miller, big boss

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Comments 18

spawnedbywar August 11 2010, 00:39:13 UTC
Some people had the luxury of resting easy at night; Kaz did not. There were a number of reasons for that, some straightforward but most complicated, the most simple of them being his natural reluctance to let his guard down. Even asleep, even among friends, it was difficult and produced something of a weird topsy-turvy result where he was stuck on the edge of consciousness against a backdrop of dreams. Sometimes he dreamt of people he knew, from Mother Base or Japan or from the battlefields that had blended together over the past two years, moving their lips but producing no sound, shouting or crying at him voicelessly. Other times he dreamt in colors -- the warm orange glow of the sun setting over Costa Rica, the murky blue twilight that followed after a fresh rainfall, the pitch darkness of what he assumed utter loneliness would take if it had a form ( ... )


heavendivided August 11 2010, 14:48:40 UTC
He tried to keep his breathing shallow - Kaz kept on murmuring, again; nothing unusual. It wasn't unusual either that Big Boss couldn't make out what he said, either because of the sheets and slurs or the long forgotten language. But he knew what he was dreaming of, and which ghosts were haunting him, so words weren't really necessary. Instead, he established physical contact, and pulled the man a little further against his own body. If Kaz was awake enough to tell dream from reality, he would already have protested or otherwise shown a reaction.

And he was warm. Jack buried his face in his neck and feathery hair, blowing warm air onto naked skin and having his fingertips brush against his arm. During the time that he'd been without Kaz, he'd realized a few things, most of all, how he couldn't stand to be separated from him for too long. Well, of course you'd start missing your friend after a certain time, everything else would be weird, but he hadn't missed Kaz the same way he'd missed, say, Huey or Amanda. And, of course, it's ( ... )


spawnedbywar August 11 2010, 18:12:05 UTC
Heat was closing in on him (and keeping him nice and close) but it wasn't suffocating. Not something that would only make him squirm even more, but something he could relax into. Big Boss' chest was little more than a pillow; he treated it as such by cozying up to it, not able to differentiate skin from fabric. There was no reason why he shouldn't have been able to wake up right then and there, tilting his head as he so often did when sleeping only to have it hit the side of the older man's cheek or neck. If that had happened, it would have been enough to startle him back into consciousness, hazy and awkward at first but cold and unwelcoming the moment the realization that he was being held--hugged--like this hit him. Kaz had no problem with punching if shoving didn't work. There was no limit to the things he was capable of if it afforded him a chance to preserve what dignity he had left ( ... )


heavendivided August 11 2010, 19:17:03 UTC
He hadn't so much as expected a reaction - or hoped for no reaction - though the one he got left him a little baffled. Though there was probably an explanation even for that: likely Kaz's subconscious classified him as a woman, if anything. And of course he appreciated women sidling up to him. A little disillusioning, that, but he had no right to complain. As long as he had an excuse to touch, it was fine; as long as Kaz didn't mind either, it was fine, too. After all, it wasn't like he was doing anything they wouldn't do when Kaz wasn't awake. Jack felt like he could fall asleep like this - it would probably work now, but that would turn out to be a problem the next morning when he'd have to explain himself, and so he closed his eye and sank deeper into this embrace and relaxed, but didn't allow himself to drift off to sleep. He could think of a thousand ways to keep himself busy and awake right now, as well as relieve some tension, but he pushed those ideas away the second they came to him. He had a hand on Kaz's chest and that was ( ... )


spawnedbywar August 11 2010, 20:11:37 UTC
His lips twitched into a tiny o of surprise before an equally small smile tugged at them. "Ohoho ( ... )


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