Aug 11, 2010 00:54

Who: Big Boss & Kaz (2/2)
When: Twilight
Where: Big Boss's bedroom / OUTER HEAVEN
Summary: Go on a date with Kaz (in bed). SNAKE ONLY. SINGLE PLAYER ONLY.
Warnings: ☠☠☠☠☠ (Sexual themes, manlove)


Well. It wasn't the first time he was sharing a sleeping place with Kaz - nor the second nor the third time - but as far as he could remember, they'd only ever done so before because they'd had little choice in the matter and because neither of them would give up the sleeping bag, cot, box or locker without a fight. So, a little morosely, they'd learned to share them; and after that, they began to share a lot of other things, as well. Food. Cigars. Warmth. A life.

However, this was definitely the first time they shared a bed despite having plenty of empty, unused ones in this hideout. It had been Jack's decision, of course; he hadn't even left Kaz much of a choice, and had shot him down everytime he protested. Yes, privacy is nice, but we don't have any secrets to keep from each other. No, you don't get your own room. No, I'm not scared you might disappear right in front of my eyes again. People don't just dissolve. I--

He was snoring, and Jack grimaced - it wasn't much more than a quiet wheezing, and he was used to it, and it was a little reassuring, too. He continued to stare at the dark ceiling, being on the edge of the bed so far away from Kaz, who was curled up in his blanket that he almost fell off the mattress. Under any other circumstances, he wouldn't even notice that he was touching Kaz, but right now he was hypervigilant. And sensitive. It'd been like that every single night since Kaz had arrived; not like he had one single peaceful night of sleep anyway, but...

Dammit. He wanted to keep him close, but this wasn't making it easier at all. Not. At. All. He was overly aware of the man's warm, breathing body; separated from his own by only a few inches. But that was the problem. He needed to forget about that if he wanted to just find one hour of sleep tonight.

A mumble. Stifled into sheets and miserable.


Then, rustling of fabric, weight shifting slightly.

"Nemuru no...ka?"

He didn't understand the answer, despite making a deliberate effort. Maybe he had asked the wrong question; he didn't really know anymore at that point. What he did know, though, was that the man was dreaming, like so often, or he wouldn't make the mistake of trying to talk to him in Japanese. When that happened, Jack accessed the little vocabulary he had and tried to find some comforting words and hoped they sounded familiar, but he was probably making no sense and just a fool of himself. But it was better than remaining quiet. There wasn't anything else he could do, save for...

More rustling, and he swallowed and asked himself what the hell he was doing when he inched closer to Kaz's back. This wasn't a big deal. They had embraced each other before; after a victory, or a good fight, or just because they felt like it. Besides, it wasn't even a proper embrace; just his chest against him and an arm wrapped very lightly around his waist. Kaz wouldn't even notice much less wake up from that unless he could somehow hear his thundering heart.

kazuhira miller, big boss

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