oo5. ♙ video

Dec 16, 2010 13:42

[It's just about sunset and someone's nowhere close to home, having lost track of time and splashing around in the slush covered streets, procrastinating on his studies. He's had a great day pretending to be a zombie and is out trying to familiarize the puppy with a walking route, since he's settling into the responsibilities of having a pet.]

So there's all these stories about Christmas and a guy in a red suit giving people presents... what's that about, anyway? I think it's kind of creepy if he watches you sleep or something. I think I'd go without presents if it means he makes a list of people and watches them sleep and somehow knows what they've done through the year.

[Another splash, and the puppy barks in affront at nearly getting wet, the sounds less yipping and a bit more like barking now. Hope just laughs and bends to scratch between its ears in apology.]

And everyone's been talking about wishes and what they want, so... if there's so many powers and abilities and magic in this place, maybe it is true that if all of us really wish for something, it might happen. Nothing as big as what the Core can do, but...

Maybe for one day-- just for Christmas, we can see and spend time with people that we really miss. So we can tell them we're okay, and that they don't need to worry, and we'd be able to see for ourselves that they're okay as well.

I guess that'd be my Christmas wish over anything else.

!: hope estheim, c: xion, c: magneto, c: adachi tohru, c: ahiru

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