video ☞ voice ( forward dated to later! )

Dec 16, 2010 13:55

[ the video begins recording- nothing, or rather, no one really comes into view. just the ceiling of a basic apartment! accompanying it immediately are the sounds of clicks and clatters right against the speakers, something toying with buttons and making it shift out of position. eventually after a few moments, there's a whistle, and this little guy is looking straight at the camera lens. the bird is silent, curiously observing the lens ( or rather, the reflection it can see ), its crest puffing up and giving another impressed whistle. it starts pecking at the screen, attempting to grab the flat surface ( with no real luck- but you know how birds are with curiosity! ), before . . . . well, losing interest and waddling away, chirping.

what it starts to do is whistle something that's unmistakable- the tune to jingle bells! during the chorus, the voice of a young man can be heard from afar, closing a door and calling out softly: ] . . . What are you doing there?

[ in response, the cockatiel breifly pauses to give a puff and a shake, the sound of feathers ruffling, before continuing with the song. The steps slowly grow closer, and as they come to a stop, the bird bounces across the nv screen, interrupting the song with chipper calls. an arm extends to reach for it then, and soon enough, the nv is grabbed with another hand. the cockatiel chirps once more, farther away, while the camera is covered by the palm of his hand, still moving. when the sound and movement of steps finally comes to a stop, the camera is uncovered for a few brief seconds, facing- a very tired and damp looking apollo; with a pile of files and papers on top of his lap.

just getting out of an evening shower, his hair isn't gelled back, so it's messier than usual ( his 'antennae' as well, but they're still there! )- although his hair isn't much compared to his face, the look of someone completely exhausted and very well deprived of a good night sleep for months now ( but he's not the only one, I'm sure- ). the bird, who's resting on top of the couch is looking down too, giving another call . . . and biting his ear. not too hard, but enough for it to startle someone, for it to sting a little, and get his attention. ] Ow-

[ a quick shift, as it has got him off guard, and the sound a few papers and a small book falling to the ground. a frustrated huff, and the nv is flipped over, facing the floor- then, a sigh. a heavy, yet hushed, sighed 'shit'. gotcha, rec. he sees you there. ]

Er- [ h-haa, awkward! pause. yes, awkward. what. do . . . switching to voice, first! because he- he looks like crap. and so does his hair ( actually, it looks close to normal- but he likes his gel, thanks :c ) he clears his throat, which turns into a hoarse cough. setting the device on top of the small coffee table in front of him, he picks up the papers and book he dropped. whistle whistle, and the start of another song- the first few notes to 'sleigh bells', and from there it just repeats three or more times.

he was about to say something actually, mouth open and ready ( he had planned to make a voice post earlier ), but- he decides against it, muttering a soft, barely audible "never mind", reaching out, and shutting the recording off. his replies might be delayed, for he is being a grumpy old man at weeeee hours of the night . . . and doing paper work because what else is there to do when you can't sleep :( ]

†: calisto yew, c: mia fey, †: apollo justice, c: ahiru, c: phoenix wright

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