2 [accidental video]: Czeslaw Meyer Encounters Trouble Between The 5th & 6th Floor

Nov 17, 2010 11:08

[The NV starts recording as it impacts with the floor - there's a blur as it tumbles down several stairs, other, colorful things tumbling with it. At the bottom of that flight, it lands face-up, recording a very stunned-and-then angry young boy in a boy tie, staring at the remains of the two grocery bags he just dropped.]

What a mess.

[He starts setting the cans of food right-side-up, some frozen vegetables, dries pasta - he seems smart enough for ten-ish, there's a chocolate bar but no other junk. However, his carton of milk has burst all over his bread. Shaking his head, he hops down the stairs to where his NV is recording, picking up the apples and oranges around it. They're bruised, of course.]

Those were expensive...

c: replica riku, c: magneto, !: czeslaw meyer, c: luca macken, c: allen walker, *action log, c: daedalus yumeno

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