Declaration 001 [Accidental video]

Nov 17, 2010 16:37

[Nelliel’s never used anything like her NV before, although most of its functions seem fairly intuitive to her. She’s just poking around and getting used to the little green device that seems to have been personalized, and doesn’t seem to have realized just yet that the device is recording, if her cheerful smile and fawning over the NV’s cuteness is any indication.]

It’s so cute~! [There’s a small giggle, and then she pauses, looking mildly confused] Hm? It’s doing something?

[Then it clicks that the device is recording, and her expression turns somewhat more serious]

Hello. If anyone has information on how to leave this place, I would appreciate it. Contrary to what some of the people I’ve encountered thus far might think, I’m not here to hurt anyone. I just want to get back to where I’m supposed to be.

[She contemplates mentioning that there’s someone she needs to get back to right away, then remembers some of the graffiti she saw earlier and thinks better of it]

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

c: ulquiorra cifer, c: allen walker, c: ichimaru gin, !: nelliel tu odelschwanck, c: akira inugami, c: shihouin yoruichi, †: claire bennet, c: ishida uryuu, †: kurosaki isshin, c: nnoitra jiruga, c: pesche guatiche, c: grimmjow jaegerjaquez

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