
Oct 15, 2011 03:48

This is kind of a weird question, but... is anyone looking for a sparring partner, someone to train with, or anything like that?

I used to be fairly skilled in hand-to-hand, knifework, and using a gun, but I fell out of it when I had kids. Somehow, it seems like a good idea to get my skills honed again in this brave new world. If possible, I'd even like to get better than I used to be.

I've been trying to convince my sons to help me, since they apparently are better trained than I am, but for some reason they're reluctant to hit their own mother in the face. [Chuckle.] So, here I am.

c: spike, c: griffin o'conner, c: magneto, c: axel, c: dick grayson, c: sephiroth, c: saint michael, c: trish, c: celes chere, c: caster, !: mary winchester, c: garr, c: crowley, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck

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