003 (Video)

Jul 21, 2011 19:32

 [The NV comes on to reveal one Misato, flushed, tired, and looking a little hungover. She's currently sitting on the old futon she managed to get at a thrift store to furnish her room at Yako's, surrounded by a vast cornucopia of odd items. She's wearing what appears to be her slip and her NERV jacket, suggesting she slid out of her dress sometime last night when she got home and just covered herself in her jacket and went to sleep in lieu of anything else- her messy hair kinda confirms this, as well. She was, apparently, just drunk enough last night not to remember how any of this crap came to be in her jacket pockets.... And it's a legitimate question as she pulls out some sort of random stuffed toy from the inner pocket of her jacket, sighs, and adds it to the pile. She adjusts her NV a little and you can see on her lap is a... Mallet. A huge one. Like the kind anime characters like to whip out of hammerspace.]

Remind me not to drink at SERO's bars again. I've got enough crap in my pockets to open a junk shop.

[Yep. Someone got into Haruhi's bizarre concoctions. ]

c: oruha, c: laughing beauty, c: haruhi suzumiya, !: misato katsuragi, c: reim lunettes

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