Video 001 - Intro

Jul 21, 2011 21:08

[The screen flickers on to reveal the face of a friendly old man. He seems to be relatively calm about everything all things considered. He had informed himself as best as possible by asking questions of the greeter, but it seemed to him that asking a wider audience would be beneficial. Strangers were generally such interesting people to meet. He looks at the scroll for a moment, contemplative. He had asked about this communication that was possible through it, but he was still a bit doubtful. There was nothing to do except take a leap of faith. He takes a deep breath, and then begins]

Ah, greetings everyone! My name is Iroh, I am a tea shop owner in the magnificent city of Ba Sing Se, and it seems I have been taken here by a spirit power known as the Core. Life is funny, one day you are the owner of a tea shop, the next you find yourself in a strange land, surrounded by things you've never seen before.

[He laughs]

Ah, what can a man do except for work with what has been given to him?

[He smiles pleasantly]

If anyone knows of a place where I might find work, I would be very grateful.

[A thought seems to occur to him]

Oh yes, if anyone has any advice for someone new to the city that would also be appreciated! As well as a cup of tea, it is good for the body and soul, both of which I have in abudance!

[He grins and pats his stomach, he had trimmed himself out more, but he was still a bigger man and he knew it]

c: nina fortner, †: eike kusch, c: roxas, c: reim lunettes, c: terra, !: iroh, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck, c: jade harley

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