| 03 ♣ | accidental video | backdated to late yesterday morning.

Jul 15, 2011 15:02

[The feed begins rather unexpectedly. Hannah is completely unaware of it happening; her NV is small after all, and it’s a wonder that a small mistake like this hasn’t happened already. It’s caused by a stray book knocking against it, one of many from appears to be a rather big pile.

You will see Hannah seated, and dressed casually today rather than in her maid uniform. Far more time appropriate, really. What may be of interest is that Hannah is not the manor; she is in a bookstore, apparently going through a various number of similar books with very keen, and very focussed earnest. She has a purpose today, of course. There’s been some unfortunate goings on within the manor and as a result, Hannah has taken some rather belated initiative. Just offside of the camera, there are books such as this one, this and also this. And if Hannah is honest… they’re all very droll. All so very boring and Hannah has no experience in this kind of thing, but’s already decidedly not how she would do things.

She gives a small huff of frustration and then unceremoniously drops the book she is reading onto the table and picks up another from a rather different pile. This one isn’t for her, but she might as well inspect it too-

Except she is so very done with reading how humans help themselves. And so that one gets dumped onto the table too, and Hannah glances at it, but also glances at her NV.

And at least she has the modesty to look a bit embarrassed by the broadcast. She tentatively picks it up, and even has the decency to appear sheepish. But well - why waste an opportunity?]

This is a bit too public for my liking, and also rather a surprise. But I must confess.. I’m rather at my wits end with this garbage. How many of you out there are parents or guardians yourselves?

[And she hesitates; pauses and reconsiders her words and feels somewhat frustrated with herself.]

This may seem rather a little like what it is not. [And she pauses again, pressing her fingers to her temple and then cuts the feed.]

c: claude faustus, !: hannah anafeloz, c: angel, c: magneto, c: alois trancy, c: alice liddell, c: jonathan crane | scarecrow, c: fai d. flourite

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