news feed; Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Apr 26, 2011 04:36

Tuesday; April 26, 2011

Weather Mostly cloudy with sunny breaks. Chance of showers. High of 11°C and a low of 6°C (52°F/42°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Morning sirens will go off at 6:02 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:18 pm.

Breach in the Underground Mall

Last night a critical failure of security door three leading to the third district from the underground mall caused massed chaos. Upon normal shut down procedures last night the door jammed letting the creeping darkness seep into the main hall way, corroding the security door and leaving its structure weak. The door was closed, cutting off the decaying darkness at first, but seeming to sense the weakness darkness creatures attacked. Lead by a giant Cyclops creature, rarely found in the areas, the doors were breached sending a flood of creatures into the mall.

Jim Winkler (42) was Door Three shift manager that night, managed to give us a small statement about last nights procedures. “We had never had that happen before, least not while I worked here. The door just... jammed. When we got it closed I guess it just couldn't hold the creatures back. As soon as they broke in we went into Evacuation code 456. My entire crew jumped right into action. They're good men. People were evacuated to the subways if they could manage. Those who couldn't were sent to the auditorium.”

The Memorial Auditorium was relatively untouched by the darkness, able to hold the less able civilians inside while security kept the creatures at bay. The night subways were filled, passengers getting a free of charge ride out of the underground. Those who stayed to fight spent most of the night exterminating the darkness that infested the mall. Some call them heroes others called them foolhardy; many of which were those who ended up in Siren's Port General hospital. “If they would have just evacuated when told and left the fighting to security the body count might not have been so large. My restaurant might not have been damaged if it weren't for hot head heroics.” Philip Mancini, current owner of the White Star Hotel said about the heroics of many of citizens.

The president of the Underground Mall Clubs Association (UMCA) assured reporters that they are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of the mall once again. The last time a darkness breach reached the mall was in 1987 when a terririst had rigged the Second Security Door to explode at night fall. This breach was no where near as bad as the last one and there is hope that the door can be fixed as soon as this afternoon ensuring that parts of the mall will be open and safe once again tonight. “Hundreds of people rely on the safety of the mall at night. We want to make sure that it is still there for them tonight. The door will be working by tonight and the mall, though under heavy construction, will be the safe haven it should always be.”

Damage Report:
~ Felton Theatre received some exterior structural damage by the raging cyclops, the interior was spared by the quick thinking of it's current manager and staff, closing up and sheltering a large crowd of people.
~ The Twins Night Clubs received heavy damage to the right club, receiving a large hole in the right wall that let a pack of skull headed beasts through.
~ Two hotels in Motel Row are now closed and condemned having taken extreme damage in a fire fight between a pyromancer and darkness creatures. The smoke filled the area fast but the fires were put out swiftly. Internal ventilation systems tried to clear the smoke later that evening.
~ White Star Hotel and The Queens Throne and Fantasy Hotel, being the tallest buildings in the Underground Mall both were seen with the winged creatures roosting at the top of each building. The White Star Restaurant at the top of the hotel, the cities finest high class restaurant was damaged. Blood and muck run down the walls of the hotel.
~ The Hideaway Lake was surprisingly untouched by any creature.
~ Over 30 people by morning have been reported dead though the numbers may not be accurate at this time.
~ 19 people are currently at Siren's Port General Hospital being treated for poisons from stings and bites, all expected to recover. Seven of which are still unidentified.
~ 8 people are currently at Siren's Port General Hospital being treated for paralysis, clearly alive but unable to move, four of which are still unidentified.
~ Countless people have been taken to the General Hospital for injury. Skye Hospital is seeing an increased number of people flooding into the emergency rooms this morning.

[Articles: A number of smaller articles follow this top story, detailing several events listed above.]

[Photos: 1) A large single eyes creature ripping a balcony apart in the Center Food Court. 2) A distance shot of the flying creatures nesting on top of White Star Hotel. 3) A picture of the horse like Night Mare creatures grazing on the grass outside of the Major's Club. 4) A mass image of people huddled together in the safety of the Memorial Auditorium (several of which appear to be naked and half covered with blankets). 5) the Sector 3 door and how badly it was torn apart by the creature, several construction workers already fast at work that morning. 6) A row of medical volunteers trying to help direct people to transport verticals this morning.]

[A graph: A small list of 'approximate' creatures that were found and destroyed that night. A large majority of listed creatures being beasts and mundane pests as well as a large number of mutations and surprisingly a few unknown or little known beasts. The charts say that by the end of the night nearly all creatures were dealt with, the rest disappeared with the morning.]

[There is still an Open Log going on for this event.]

Inexplicable Plant Growth!

Over the course of the past twenty-four hours, there have been increasing reports of new plant life springing up all over the city, apparently overnight. Early investigation into the phenomenon has placed most of the reports in the vicinity of Sector Ten, though there are a fair number from all the other districts as well. The incident has baffled many botanists, especially since some of these plants are apparently completely new species.

There is no current explanation for these events, though many have expressed wonder at the new decor of the city.

"It's a miracle," one sanitation worker said.

Others are more skeptical.

"It's just another of those Newcomers," a city official stated.

The investigation continues.

Other News

- Puttering Around Driving Range in Sector 6, has staff openings this spring season, now hiring for 3 positions: Ball Retrieval, Lawn Maintanance & Parking Valet (in conjunction with Lion's Gate Observatory's lot). No experience necessary. Newcomers may apply. Khakis required.

- It's Jiggle Night at Knot-T Fight Club! All girls, all Jello wrestling, all night long! Get your wiggle in with 2 for 1 Jello shots!

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