Mar 28, 2008 01:52
Hello and welcome to SirChef-rencio's cooking corner! Tonight, we have a real treat for you... "Spiced" Manly Chicken!
It's quick, easy, and good for you! Here's what you'll need:
1 Pound of Ground Chicken
2 small (or 1 large, duh) jalapeno peppers
Approx 1/4-1/2 of a sweet "yellow" onion (depending on how much onion you like)
1/2 cup of white rice
2 large bell peppers
1 can of MAN-WICH mix
(optional) Cayenne Pepper
Start that rice a boiling, because it will take the longest!
Mince your onion and jalapeno, leaving the seeds in. Don't be a wuss.
Halve and core bell peppers.
Lightly brown the chicken in a skillet over medium-high heat, when just slightly brown. Drain if necessary.
Turn the heat down to medium and add vegetables.
Stir in the Man-wich mix and heat through. Turn heat to medium-low.
Check that rice! 95% done is fine, because it will finish cooking in the skillet.
Drain rice and fold into mixture. The rice should absorb most of the excess Man-wich liquid, leaving you with a fairly firm mixture. Remove from heat and let stand about 2 minutes.
Add Cayenne pepper, if desired, to taste.
From here, you just have to heap these into your bell peppers. The manly way would be to overstuff them! You should have plenty.
This dish should have plenty of spicy kick, only takes about 15 minutes to make, and is plenty good for you!
Make sure you have some tissues on hand when you eat this. I'm not kidding about the spicy! This is one MANLY CHICKEN!