Mar 05, 2008 20:23
Went to the doctor the other day for what I thought could be minor tonsillitis, but turned out to be "cobblestones". Cobblestoning. That's what it's actually called. Weird.
Found out my blood pressure was a little high because, well, I'm a little fat. Of course my blood pressure probably wasn't helped by my health insurance. I had to call them when I was checking in to find out some info, since this is a new insurance company to me. They told me I was only covered up to %150 for a Doctor's visit. So, as she's putting the cuff on to take my blood pressure, I'm freaking out in my head thinking "OH GOD. THIS PROBABLY COSTS FIFTY DOLLARS. THAT TONGUE DEPRESSOR PROBABLY COST AT LEAST THIRTY."
I just think it's sad that I may actually be under insured when I'm one of those rare people that barely ever needs to access my health insurance. If I'm under insured, then what of the people who have actual health problems? Nothing I haven't thought about before, but it really put it into perspective. I could go into a rant here about Universal Healthcare but... I suppose that would raise my blood pressure, too.
Anyway, the receptionist said that although the $150 thing wasn't typical, she doubted that the visit would cost more than that anyway. They're going to bill me for the co-pay because we weren't sure what it was, so we'll find out then.
And, as I'm watching The Daily Show, I'm seeing another reason for high blood pressure. Ralph Nader. Am I the only one on the "he must actually be a Republican" conspiracy bandwagon?