Sep 04, 2008 20:49
I feel like I can breathe, just a little bit. I have found clarity through the fog.
I am still tired, but I will attribute that to insomnia due to lack of bike riding. My mind has been so tired, and has bitch slapped my body when it has claimed otherwise. I am starting to come together, though, and refocus.
I'm going to bust ass at work tonight, so time goes by faster. I have a charged Ipod and I think I'm going to make new play lists for it.
Tonight, tomorrow, time for a jump start.
I've got to:
Start biking more
Start smoking less
Stop eating so much fucking chocolate (oh, god, hormones... WHY?)
Restock on fruits and veggies
Plan new meals to cook
Start organizing my writing project (I have started writing, but I think I need more direction before I continue)
Crack open a new book
Sort through my finances and make some decisions regarding saving
Organize closet
Straighten up house
Ick. Responsibility.
After this last vacation, I'm going to pick up some extra hours at work. Save save save, and apply for PSU. Start talking to people about all the wonderful options for literature classes. Remember what it is to use my brain. Attempt to find a grasp on the English language again.
Next week, I think I get to talk to somebody about transferring to a different department. If things go through, I may be able to be part-time swings, making a dollar more an hour... and, you know, not staying up all freaking night.
Balance, balance, balance. I've got it. I know it. I can feel this all as a part of me, and I can't let depression force me to abandon it....