I don't know why I picked such a depressing subject line. The song is currently playing in my head, even though I'm incredibly upbeat. First of all, the obvious is that it's Friday. As a follow-up to that, it's also PAYDAY. A further bonus is that the freezing crisis in the office is over, and our heating pump is fixed. Lastly, I am so incredibly refreshed today. I had about 13 hours of sleep last night. The downside is that this was only made possible by the fact that my phone was on vibrate; I never heard Jenni call, and I missed hanging out at Carribou last night. Oh well. Other than that, I'm only one work day away from an awesome weekend. Movies, karaoke tonight probably, good food, shopping, etc.
So, I have an OkCupid account. Go ahead and commence with your verbal mockery; it's not like this is a site I take seriously. To prove my lack of, uh... "seriosity" I have about it, here is my default picture:
That's me with Peyton Manning.
Anyway, the messages I get always amuse me. On my profile, I have it listed that I smoke and that I drink. I have how I go out a lot and I'm really eccentric. Yet every message I get, without fail, is from some high-strung, non-smoker/non-drinker/non-go outter. (This makes me sound like a partying boozehound. I am not that at all. Just... ugh, nevermind. No matter how I word this whole thing, it'll sound bad. Just remember: not a boozehound!) Sometimes I'll even get that compounded with severe lack of social skills, or someone extremely athletic. Neither of which work for me. It just amazes me what guys think they'll be compatible with me. I kind of want to shake them and remind them that probably within ten minutes I'll be annoying them, either with conversation, smoke, eccentricity, or a fun combination of all three.
Speaking of smoking, I've actually cut back quite a bit. I don't smoke during work hours anymore. I don't smoke prior to work. I actually only seem to socially smoke now, or sometimes when I'm driving. Granted, it's not quitting, but I'll take cutting back right now. With all the upheaval in my life right now, I don't know if I could deal with cigarette withdrawal. Things are wonderful in my life, but one thing at a time. Save your lectures, thank you! I consider this a big accomplishment, in light of how much I smoked (and drank) post-break up. After re-reading this paragraph, especially the last sentence, I should add that I'm not drinking heavily anymore. I was simply in a big "I'm going to drink until I don't feel feelings!" phase for a few weeks, post-break up and post-losing my job. It was a big spiral, but I pulled myself out of it. I'm back to my usual social habits.
gangwaygirls and I discovered
marzipan animals. We were having fits for about a half an hour over those. Enjoy.
Recently I've been going through a lot of old pictures. Not from the past couple of years, but before that. It actually reminded me of a lot of stuff I had forgotten about. Old times and events. Where I was when Janet Jackson's nipple slipped. Seeing the Kill Bill movies for the first time, which has now inspired me to watch them again. I'm thinking of having a theme night; watch the movies with some sushi and sake. I always have tons of ideas for theme parties, but I never have them. This one will happen, though, even if it's just a party of one. Also, this little line of thought reminds me of a movie that I was just reminded of, heh.
Death Race 2000. Give it a chance. I promise you will not be disappointed.
I've developed a really bad habit of literally covering my face with my hair. An example is when I'm sitting at my desk at work (like I am now), and I'll be thinking or working on something. Then I'll take my hair (which is rather long now) in my hand and cover my mouth with it. A better description is resting your chin on your left hand, but imagine you've pulled your hair over, as well. I don't know why I do that. Jenni is trying to break me of the habit because she says it's some sort of subconcious way to cover myself up, because I don't like how I look. Who knows.
This entry is all over the place, I know. I think I will end it here, as I do have some work to do today, even though it is just so slow today. Def Leppard/Styx/Foreigner this week. Whee!