Sins of the Father (9/10) Part 1

Nov 20, 2011 23:24

Title: Sins of the Father (9/10) Part 1
Author: singoutloud25
Pairing/Character: JunSeung, DooSeob, KiWoon, Joon, Mir, Chansung, Taecyeon, Hyuna, Jiyoon, Rain
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Drama, Romance
Summary: The lives of these six young men would now forever be changed. They will become what they once feared and hated. They will become violent, dangerous, aggressive, and one will even become a murderer. They will become feared, hated, strong, and powerful. Some will grow to hate themselves and some will become dead and numb inside. Some will lose hope and some will never dare to dream.
Author's Notes: The point that I hope to convey throughout this story is that true friendship (a bond of love and trust and faith) is so strong that it can withstand anything. That the bond of true friendship (even when you are pulled away from and forced to leave the ones you love) will always remain, even when you feel that all is lost, that bond still remains deep within you.

P1/ P2/ Ch 1/ Ch 2/ Ch 3/ Ch 4/ Ch 5/ Ch 6/ Ch 7/ Ch 8 

It's in 2 parts cause LJ hates me tonight

Chapter 9

“As my life flashes before my eyes, I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise? So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye, but it’s too late to pick up the value of my life.”

-Rihanna “Russian Roulette”

“Something just doesn’t seem right.” Junhyung paced back and forth in front of Doojoon’s desk, his hand’s racking through his hair.

“I agree.” Kikwang stood off to one side of the room, his arms folded across his chest. “They pushed so hard for this reunion. Hyunseung and Yoseob risked everything for all of us to be together again and they would never just leave…would they?”

Dongwoon wrapped an arm around Kikwang’s shoulders. “No they wouldn’t. And even if they did want to leave all of us, saying goodbye would only make things worse for them, so why the meeting in a few hours? And at that damn field of all places.”

Jiyoon removed her head from Taecyeon’s shoulder. “It doesn’t make sense. Seung would never have risked what he did to get us here and then turn his back on us.”

“And why would Taemin be the one delivering the note?” Mir looked confused.

Joon ruffled Mir’s hair. “The whole thing with Taemin doesn’t make any sense either.”

“We know that Yoseob and Hyunseung didn’t kill him.” Hyuna stated as she leaned against the back wall, her fingers fiddling nervously in her back pockets.

Chansung placed a hand over Hyuna’s fingers and gave a small squeeze. “Yeah, but who did and why the hell did he have that note?” He pulled Hyuna against his side and wrapped an arm around her waist. “And what did he mean by sorry?”

Taecyeon linked his hand with Jiyoon’s. “He wasn’t saying sorry because they were leaving, the look on his face was as if he was the one who had done something wrong.”

Junhyung stopped moving. “Taemin was sorry.” He turned to look at the others. “The looks on his face and the tears weren’t those of someone who was scared that they were about to die. They were those of a man who was sorry for doing something that he was feeling guilty about.” He looked at Doojoon. “I didn’t know Taemin for that long, but it was obvious that he was loyal to you and he loved Hyunseung like a brother, he even threatened to kill me if I hurt Seung.”

Dongwoon’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “Where are you going with this Jun?”

“The look on Taemin’s face was that of someone who had betrayed someone they loved. He was saying sorry because he betrayed Hyunseung.”

Kikwang took a step forward. “But why would he betray him if he loved him?”

“Because he had no other choice.” Doojoon locked eyes with Junhyung. “The only other person Taemin would do anything for, besides Seung, is his own family. If he betrayed Seung then his family must have been in danger.”

“Wait, why would someone want Taemin to betray…” Mir’s eyes went wide. “Because they wanted Hyunseung and Yoseob.”


All eyes turned to Kikwang who was gripping at his hair.

“What?” Dongwoon tried to pull at Kikwang’s hands, but the latter swatted him away.

“Right before you guys got here, Hyunseung…” Kikwang let out a frustrated cry. “Hyunseung told me that Yoseob had texted him and asked him to meet at the Hotel.”

Dongwoon’s eyes went wide. “Wait, Yoseob said that Hyunseung texted him and asked him to meet at the Hotel.”

“Shit!” Kikwang kicked Doojoon’s desk. “It was a fucking set-up!”

Junhyung’s eyes narrowed. “Who would have the fucking balls to do this and what do they want with Hyunseung and Yoseob?”

“Think hard, both of you.” Jiyoon walked forward, her gaze locked on Doojoon and Junhyung. “Who do you know that hates you so much that they would have the guts to go after the men you love? Because the only reason why Hyunseung and Yoseob were chosen is because they are your true weaknesses.”

“No one would fuck with Junhyung.” Dongwoon stated as he tried to calm Kikwang down. “He’s been on the edge for too long and everyone knows that. Nobody would willingly push him over the edge.”

Doojoon clenched his jaw, his eyes darkening. “Rain.”

“That fucking bastard!” Taecyeon punched the wall behind him.

Chansung pushed himself and Hyuna off the wall. “He did promise you that night Doojoon, that he would get back at you.”

Junhyung looked at Doojoon. “Who’s Rain?”


Doojoon turned his dark gaze to Kikwang.

Kikwang squeezed Dongwoon’s hand. “He was always obsessed with Hyunseung. Do you remember what he said the night we stopped him from raping Hyunseung?”

“Did you just say raping Hyunseung?” Junhyung’s voice was ice.

Kikwang gulped, but ignored Junhyung. “Doojoon, do you remember?”

Doojoon closed his eyes. “I remember everything about that night.”

Doojoon’s lamp was suddenly thrown across the room, shattering on the wall behind Kikwang and Dongwoon.


Doojoon sighed, locking eyes with Junhyung. “Rain used to work for me. He was strong, eager, and always willing to do what needed to be done. He took an instant liking to Seung and vice versa.” He stood up and walked around the desk to stand in front of Junhyung. “For a while they were inseparable. They worked assignments together, gathered several new secrets together, and fought together.”

Kikwang stepped closer to Doojoon and Junhyung, Dongwoon right behind him. “Rain reminded us of you Jun. We all figured that was why Hyunseung took such a liking to him…at least in the beginning that is.”

Junhyung’s fists were clenched at his sides. “What happened?”

Doojoon stepped even closer to Junhyung. “Rain’s obsession started becoming more obvious, especially when he had been drinking. He started becoming more and more physical with Hyunseung in front of the rest of us and it was apparent to everyone that Hyunseung was uncomfortable with it. He diluted himself into thinking that Hyunseung’s silence and lack of action against him was Seung’s way of saying that he was okay with it. But Rain knew Hyunseung and he knew that when Seung is silent it’s because he’s uncomfortable and upset, Rain just refused to see it. I thought I had been clear when I told Rain to back off, but I guess I wasn’t.” He took a deep breath. “I’m not going to tell you what he did to Hyunseung that night, it’s up to Seung to tell you that, but I will tell you that even after we beat the shit out of him, Rain was still adamant on having Hyunseung.”

Kikwang cleared his throat. “His exact words were: I give you my word that one day I will have Hyunseung. One day I will destroy you and everyone you love and your world will be mine. Hyunseung will be mine.”

Junhyung let out an angry yell and punched the top of Doojoon’s desk.

Doojoon forced Junhyung to look at him. “He won’t kill Hyunseung and Seung will do everything he can to protect Yoseob. The people Rain wants dead are in this room not the two with him.”

Taecyeon stood behind Jiyoon. “So Rain kidnapped Hyunseung and Yoseob, forced them to write that letter, and then stabbed Taemin, in just a way so he wouldn’t die right away, and had him deliver the letter to us.” He shook his head. “He’s a fool to think that we wouldn’t actually figure this out.”

Doojoon dropped his hands from Junhyung’s face and placed them on his shoulders. “He’s too blinded by his hatred and desires to think clearly.”

Hyuna, holding Chansung’s hand, walked closer to the others. “So he’s planning on ambushing us at the field.”

Mir walked closer to the others. “He’ll have all of us in one place; to him it will be the perfect opportunity to get rid of us all at once.”

Joon stood next to Mir. “What are we going to do?”

Dongwoon placed a hand on Doojoon’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

Kikwang moved so he was standing right in front of Junhyung. “We’re going to do what we do best.”

Junhyung grinned and placed a hand on Kikwang’s shoulder. “Fight.”


Yoseob squeezed Hyunseung’s hand, his nails digging into pale flesh, as the SUV pulled into the abandoned field.  Hyunseung squeezed back, his chest tightening as the car stopped.

Rain turned around from the front seat. “It’s time.” He exited the vehicle, Yoseob and Hyunseung being dragged out of the middle seat.

“Cheondung, take Yang to the end of the field. Keep him behind that concrete wall.”

“Wait!” Hyunseung tightened his grip on Yoseob. “Let me talk to him for a minute.” He locked eyes with Rain. “Alone. Please.”

“You have 60 seconds.”

Hyunseung walked to the back of the car and pulled Yoseob into a fierce hug. “Everything is going to be okay.” His mouth was pressed against Yoseob’s ear.

Yoseob let out a cry, his face buried in Hyunseung’s neck. “I’m scared.”

“I know, but you have to trust me Seob. You have to believe in me.”

“You know I do.”

Hyunseung pulled Yoseob closer. “No matter what you hear, no matter what you may see, you stay behind that wall.” He gave a tight squeeze. “I mean it Yoseob. You have to stay away from all of this. You have to stay alive.”

Yoseob let out another cry. “Seung.”

Hyunseung kissed Yoseob’s ear. “I won’t let anything happen to you or the others.” He pulled away, cupping Yoseob’s cheeks in his hands. “I promise.”

“Time is up. Let’s go Yang.” Cheondung appeared at the back of the car.

“I love you Yoseob.” Hyunseung smiled and placed a soft kiss on Yoseob’s lips.

“That’s enough.” Cheondung pulled Yoseob out of Hyunseung’s arms and began heading towards the cement wall.

Yoseob looked back at Hyunseung, tears falling down his cheeks. “I love you too.”

Hyunseung smiled, his chest clenching. “I’ll see you soon.” At least he hoped he would.

He shook his head, blocking out the negative thoughts and focusing on what had to be done. He walked around to the side of the car and approached Rain, the latter’s back to him.

Hyunseung stopped a few inches behind Rain. “Promise me,” his voice was quiet, “that he will be safe.”

Rain turned around and placed his hand on Hyunseung’s cheek, ignoring the clenching of Hyunseung’s jaw. “I promise.” He smiled genuinely. “But, if you say or do anything that gives away what is happening, I will kill him.”

Hyunseung glared, but didn’t respond. Rain took that as a good sign and patted Hyunseung’s cheek. “Good.”


Rain turned around to face Minho. “What?”

“They’re entering the field now.” Minho grinned, eyes narrowing at the flicker of surprise that crossed Hyunseung’s face. “All of them.”

“Excellent. Everyone get ready.” Rain turned to face Hyunseung again. “That includes you.”

Hyunseung nodded and stood beside Rain, his mind racing as he thought about what was about to happen, what he was about to do.

He was terrified. He was about to take the biggest risk of his life and if he failed, he would die, Yoseob would suffer, and he would never know what would happen to the others…he would never see them again. He would never get to tell them that he loved them. He would never get to see them smile or joke or fight or save lives. He would never get to say goodbye.

But if he succeeded, everything would be okay. None of them would suffer. He could hug them and love them and joke and laugh with them. He could stand by their sides and fight with them, protect them. He could say all the things he’s wanted to say, all the things he’s kept inside.

He could tell Doojoon to not be so hard on himself and that he truly was a magnificent leader. He could tell Kikwang to never stop smiling or laughing, because those were the things that brightened up everyone’s days and made living not so dark. He could tell Yoseob how much he meant to him and that he was the reason Hyunseung was still alive and fighting today. He could tell Dongwoon how much he missed him and his wit and his lack of caring that he was the youngest of them all. He could tell Junhyung that not once did he ever stop thinking about him, caring or worrying about him, not once did he stop loving him.

Hyunseung closed his eyes and clenched his fists. He had to succeed, he had to.

“Here they come.” G.O. commented from Hyunseung’s right.

Hyunseung opened his eyes and had to bite back every warning he wanted to shout out and every sob he wanted to cry as he watched his family, in all their heartbreaking glory, walk towards them. He forced his body to relax as he watched Doojoon, Junhyung, Kikwang, and Dongwoon walk in front, leading the others into a battle that they had no idea of what the outcome would be. He took a deep breath as he watched both sides walk side by side, finally having come together as one. His chest clenched and his heart broke. He had waited so long to see that sight and he hoped that he would be able to see it again.

Doojoon and the others stopped several yards away. Hyunseung watched as they all took in what was in front of them. It was quiet for a few moments, each side taking everything in and contemplating what to do next.

Doojoon was the first to speak. “Where’s Yoseob?” The question was directed at Hyunseung.

“He’s safe.” Hyunseung’s voice waivered slightly.

Rain placed his hand on Hyunseung’s neck and gave it a squeeze, a clear warning. “For now.”

“Seung, are you all right?”

Hyunseung looked at Junhyung. This was it. He tilted his head to the side, a smile on his face.

“Never been better.”

Junhyung’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

Hyunseung took a few steps forward, Rain’s hand sliding down his back. “I’ve never been better.” He ignored the shocked look on everyone’s faces. “Don’t look so surprised. You really should have seen this coming.” His eyes narrowed,  his heart racing. “Did you really think that I’d want to stay with you, any of you, after you’ve repeatedly let me down? After you forced me to do things that I’ve never wanted to do.”      He looked at Doojoon. “After you put me in a situation where I had no choice but to do the one thing I’ve feared most in this life.” His chest tightened at the looks of confusion, sadness, and heart break, but he had to keep going, he had to succeed. “You’re fools if you thought that I would be okay after that. I hate all of you for it.” He cringed inwardly at the harshness of his voice and died a little at the looks of devastation. He felt a hand circle around his waist.

“And that’s why he’s with me now.” Rain kissed Hyunseung’s neck, his eyes never leaving Doojoon or Junhyung.

Junhyung made to move forward, but was stopped by Doojoon.

Rain laughed. “You really are fools.” His voice hardened as he removed his hand from Hyunseung. “Weak, stupid, pathetic fools.” He took a few steps forward. “Your weakness for one another has become your downfall and just the thing I needed to get what was mine.” He snapped his fingers, ten men emerging from around concrete slabs and walls. “And now I’m going to kill all of you and take over for good.”

Rain pulled out a knife and handed it to Hyunseung before pulling out another one for himself. Hyunseung gripped the handle, in just a few minutes this would all be over. A few more minutes until he would succeed or fail. He locked eyes with Junhyung.

“Yong is mine.”

Rain smirked. “And Yoon is mine.”

And then they were off, each side running at the other, both groups meeting in the middle. Hands and arms and chains blocked knives. Legs kicking and fists punching, bodies being pushed and slammed this way and that. Yells and screams of pain echoing in each other’s ears and the warmth of blood being felt on skin.

Part 2

shinee, kiwoon, 4minute, dooseob, mblaq, r, beast, junseung, drama

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