Sins of the Father (8/10)

Nov 13, 2011 22:16

Title: Sins of the Father (8/10)
Author: singoutloud25
Pairing/Character: JunSeung, DooSeob, KiWoon, Rain, Taemin, Joon, Mir, Hyuna
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Drama, Romance
Summary: The lives of these six young men would now forever be changed. They will become what they once feared and hated. They will become violent, dangerous, aggressive, and one will even become a murderer. They will become feared, hated, strong, and powerful. Some will grow to hate themselves and some will become dead and numb inside. Some will lose hope and some will never dare to dream.
Author's Notes: The point that I hope to convey throughout this story is that true friendship (a bond of love and trust and faith) is so strong that it can withstand anything. That the bond of true friendship (even when you are pulled away from and forced to leave the ones you love) will always remain, even when you feel that all is lost, that bond still remains deep within you.

Again, I just want to say thank you so much for all of your comments and encouragement. You have no idea how much you all mean to me and I just want to say thank you.

P1/ P2/ Ch 1/ Ch 2/ Ch 3/ Ch 4/ Ch 5/ Ch 6/ Ch 7

Chapter 8

“We all lose friends…we lose them in death, to distance and over time. But even though they may be lost, hope is not. The key is to keep them in your heart, and when the time is right, you can pick up the friendship right where you left off. Even the lost find their way home when you leave the light on.”
-Amy Maire Walz

Doojoon leaned against one of the pillars on the schools roof. He squinted his eyes as he looked out over the school grounds, the suns rays beating down harshly.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding.”

Doojoon smiled as a body leaned against the pillar next to him. “I like it up here.”

Junhyung smiled. “I know.”

The two were quiet for a moment, both thinking about the day’s happenings.

“You know it’s not our fault Doojoon. How were any of us supposed to know that Hyunseung would get jumped like he did?”

Doojoon shoved his hands in his pockets. “I know Jun, but I still hate it. He’s been recovering for a week and he still looks like he got hit by a bus yesterday.” He sighed. “We’re the leaders. We’re supposed to take care of everyone. We’re supposed to make sure that everyone is safe and okay. We’re supposed to protect them and look out for them.” He shook his head. “I feel like I failed.”

Junhyung let out a deep sigh. “I know Doojoon. And if anyone failed it’s me.”

“And how’s that?”

“Because I’ve always made sure to stay by his side or have someone else with him. But I left him alone that day.”

“It’s nobody’s fault but the fuckers who jumped him. I swear when I find out who did it they’ll wish they were never born.”

“Just make sure I’m there with you.”

They both lapsed back into silence for several moments. They both watched as Hyunseung, Yoseob, Kikwang, and Dongwoon walked out onto the field down below, the four boys laughing and playing around. They watched as Hyunseung, who had turned around to walk backwards, looked up and saw them. He smiled and waved at them, causing the other three to turn around and do the same.

The two boys on the roof smiled back.

“Promise me Junhyung.”

“Promise you what?”

“Promise me, that no matter what happens to us, that no matter where our paths take us, that we will always take care of the others and each other. Promise me that we won’t become so consumed with our fathers worlds that we end up forgetting about what we have and who we are, now, today, in this world that we are able to call ours, for however short that time may be.” He turned to look at his most trusted and best friend. “Promise me we will never hate each other, even if we drift apart. Promise me that if for some reason our bonds are broken, that someday in our future we will do what we have to, to mend that bond, for the sake of those four down there. Promise me.” Doojoon’s eyes were watery and pleading.

Junhyung’s eyes were watery and full of understanding. “I promise Doojoon.” He put his hands on Doojoon’s shoulders. “I give you my word, not just as your best friend and not just as your brother, but as someone,” he gave an awkward smile, “who loves and cares about you and those four down there. I promise.”

Doojoon smiled as he pulled Junhyung into a hug. He knew, not just by his words, but by his eyes as well, that Junhyung truly meant that promise. Doojoon let a tear fall. He knew, that no matter what, in the end they would all be together, because together is how they were meant to be.

Hyunseung walked into the house, quietly shutting the door behind him. He was sure everyone was sleeping and he didn’t want to wake any of them. When he got to the top of the stairs he noticed that Doojoon’s bedroom light was on. Hyunseung knew that Doojoon was only up because he was worried about him, so he quietly walked down the hallway and tapped lightly on Doojoon’s door. He heard a faint “come in” and walked into the room.

Doojoon was standing by the bathroom, dressed only in black jeans, and running a towel through is wet hair. He froze when he saw Hyunseung, his chest tightening. He took in the bandages on his arm and collarbone, noting that both showed traces of blood, and dropped his towel. He crossed the room faster than he thought he could and pulled Hyunseung into a fierce hug.

“Seung.” He kissed the side of Hyunseung’s head. “Fuck Seung I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Hyunseung smiled and hugged Doojoon back. “It’s not your fault Doojoon. You don’t need to say sorry.”

Doojoon scoffed. “Yes I do. I should never have sent you alone! I should have gone with you!”

Hyunseung lightly hit Doojoon’s back. “Stop it Doojoon. You did what anyone else would have done. They needed you at the hospital. How could any of us of known what was going to happen at Park’s house?”

“I know Seung, but you needed me too.”

Hyunseung sighed. “Only for like a second and then I was fine.”

Doojoon smiled and pulled away, cupping Hyunseung’s face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Hyunseung smiled. “I’m fine. I promise.”

Doojoon kissed Hyunseung’s forehead.

“Yah! Stop with the kissing!” He let out a small laugh as he pushed the other male away. “And for hell sake, put a shirt on will you.”

Doojoon laughed and did as he was told. When he walked back out of the bathroom, pulling his shirt over his head, Hyunseung was lying on the side of the bed facing the door. He was on his back with his feet hanging over the side. Doojoon smiled and decided to bring up the other subject that they needed to talk about.

“So you and Junhyung, huh?” Doojoon watched as a smile formed on Hyunseung’s lips.

“Yeah.” He gave a small, apologetic smile. “I’m sorry that I went behind your back, but it just…”

Doojoon gave a small smile. “I know.” He lay down next to Hyunseung. “I should also let you know that, well, that I’m with…that I’m…”

“With Yoseob.” Hyunseung grinned. “I know Doojoon. I’ve known since the beginning.”

Doojoon’s shoulders sagged. “Do I have no secrets from any of you? Even Kikwang knew!”

Hyunseung laughed while shaking his head.

Doojoon gave a full smile this time. “It’s good to hear you laugh and to see you smile like you mean it.”

“It feels good too.” Hyunseung was quiet for a moment. “So when are they coming over?”

“Yoseob said around midnight. Junhyung wants to talk to the rest of his group and let them know what’s going on. I’ve already talked to everyone here.” He shook his head. “I didn’t…I didn’t realize how happy everyone would be to bring our sides together.”

“Don’t blame yourself Doojoon. None of this is your fault or Junhyung’s. Just be happy that things are going to be better.”

“You’re right.” Doojoon grinned.

“Of course I am. I’m always right.”

Doojoon laughed just as the door to his room swung open. He and Hyunseung lifted their heads off of the bed to stare at a frozen Kikwang.

Kikwang took a step into the room. “Seungie.”

Hyunseung grinned. “God Kiki you look like shit.”

Kikwang smiled and before Hyunseung could stop him Kikwang ran to the bed and straddled him.

Kikwang placed his hands on both of Hyunseung’s cheeks and squeezed them together. “Don’t ever go missing like that again! Promise!”

Hyunseung’s lips were pressed together too much for him to speak so he nodded his head in response.

Kikwang grinned and kissed Hyunseung on the lips.

Doojoon laughed as Hyunseung sputtered and tried to ward off Kikwang’s continuous attack of kisses. He got off the bed just as Hyunseung freed his face from Kikwang’s hands.

“Doojoon! Help me right now!” Hyunseung had Kikwang’s hands pinned to his side, but he was still being kissed all over his face.

Doojoon started heading for the door. “Nope. We had to deal with his frantic clinging last night. He’s all yours now.” Doojoon laughed as he walked out of the door, a strangled “traitor” being said behind him.

“Judging by the smiles on all of your faces, I take it that you’re all okay with this then.”

Junhyung looked around at those gathered in his office and he admitted to himself that he couldn’t remember the last time he saw any of them truly smile or as happy as they were at this moment. Mir looked like he wanted to cry, Joon was grinning as he hugged a teary-eyed Hyuna, and Dongwoon and Yoseob had ear-to-ear grins, their eyes glowing.

He shook his head, it was as if, and he didn’t care how cliché this sounded, but it was as if the dark cloud that once covered their world was now gone and the sunlight was finally beginning to shine its rays on them. He grinned at how odd that sounded coming from him.

Yoseob stood up from his chair. “Yeah Jun, we’re okay with it.”

“We’re more than fucking okay with it.” Dongwoon stated as he stood up.

There was a sniffle at the back of the room and all eyes turned to Mir.

Mir covered his eyes. “What?”

Everyone laughed and Joon pulled him into the hug he was having with Hyuna.

Hyuna let out a half cry half laugh. “You may be strong physically Mir, but you have the emotions of a teenage girl.”

Mir still had his hands covering his eyes. “I do not!”

Joon let out a loud laugh as he turned around towards the door. “Come on you two, this calls for a celebration.” He then left the room, one arm around Hyuna’s waist and the other around Mir’s shoulders.

Yoseob and Dongwoon turned to look at Junhyung.

Yoseob smirked. “Your grinning Jun.”

“I am not.”

Dongwoon snorted and was immediately rewarded with Junhyung slapping him upside the head.

Dongwoon rubbed the back of his head. “Ouch.”

Junhyung smiled. “Things may be changing, but I’m still your Hyung and your leader.”

Dongwoon rolled his eyes. “You’re only older than me by 2 ½ months.”

Yoseob laughed as Dongwoon was hit upside the head again.

“I don’t know why your laughing, you’re the one whose been sleeping with Doojoon behind our backs.” Dongwoon snapped, becoming irritated by the pain in his head.

Yoseob looked offended. He turned to Junhyung who only gave him a knowing look. He sputtered. “I, well, I…” He pointed his finger accusingly at Junhyung. “Jun’s sleeping with Seung!”

Dongwoon gave Junhyung a scathing look while Junhyung slapped Yoseob upside the head.

“What the hell Jun!”

Junhyung crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m leader, I can do whatever I want.”

Both Dongwoon and Yoseob looked affronted and shouted “Yah” simultaneously as they both lunged for him.

To: Seung   
From: Seob
Meet me at the Hotel, room 20. I need to talk to you about something.

Hyunseung reread the text as he reached the Hotel, double-checking the room number. He walked through the front door and smiled over at Taemin.

“How’s your mom?”

Taemin gave a forced smile, the knife pointed at his back jabbing harder into his skin. “She’s fine. Tired, but fine.”

Hyunseung smiled back. “Good. Tell her I said hello.”

Taemin nodded his head. “I will.”

The door to room 20 was slightly ajar and Hyunseung smiled as he entered, closing the door behind him. He called out for Yoseob and had only taken a few steps when something hit the back of his head. He staggered for a moment and then fell to the floor, his vision going dark.

Hyunseung’s eyes flew open as cold water hit his face. The first thing he noticed was that he was tied to a wooden chair. The second thing he noticed was that Yoseob, blood dripping from a cut on his forehead, was tied to chair next to him. And the third thing he noticed, once he took in how many men were in front of him, that there was no escaping this situation, whatever it may be.

He turned his attention to Yoseob. “Are you okay?”

Yoseob’s mouth was gagged so he nodded in response.

“Are you hurt anywhere else?”

Yoseob shook his head just as the door to the room they were in opened. Hyunseung’s eyes widened as Rain walked into the room, his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his lips.

“Hello Hyunseung.”

Hyunseung clenched his fists and twisted his arms, only to have the ropes binding him dig into his skin. He ignored the pain.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“It’s obvious that you’re a fool and making a huge fucking mistake.”

Rain smiled as he stepped closer to Hyunseung. “I always did like your honesty.” Another step. “Your backbone.” And another. “Your balls.”

Hyunseung glared. “Fuck you.”

“Maybe someday.”

“I’d rather burn in hell.”

Rain bent down in front of Hyunseung, running his fingers across Hyunseung’s cheek. “No you wouldn’t.” Rain’s smile was still in place. “Because then you would have to see the faces of those men you killed.”

Hyunseung stood up and went to lunge for Rain, but he was kicked in the stomach, his back hitting the concrete floor.

Rain stood up and motioned to Kangin to help Shindong help sit Hyunseung back up. He placed a chair, backwards, in front of Hyunseung and sat down.

“I don’t like seeing you get hurt Seung, so I want you to listen really closely to what I’m about to say.”

Hyunseung’s only response was a glare.

“After tomorrow morning, the Yoon gang and the Yong gang will no longer exist.”

Hyunseung’s eyes flickered for a moment while Yoseob’s went fully wide.

“They will be destroyed tomorrow morning by me and my men. The self-hatred they will feel tomorrow will bring them down and make them the weakest they have ever been.”

Hyunseung gave the slightest smirk. “That’s why you’re a fool. They have no self-hatred. As we speak they are bringing their groups together. They will be stronger than they have ever been and you will be destroyed, not them.”

Rain didn’t blink, he only grinned. “Don’t be naive Seung, I’ve had men following the two groups for weeks now. I know what they’re doing and it doesn’t matter. They will be weak tomorrow and I will destroy them.”

“How?” It was said through gritted teeth.

“They will be weak because the men they love,” Rain pointed to Yoseob while keeping his eyes locked with Hyunseung’s, “will have betrayed them…by joining my side.”

The gag in Yoseob’s mouth muffled his frustrated yell. Hyunseung’s eyes narrowed.

“It’ll never fucking happen. We will never willingly join you.”

“Who said anything about willingly?” Rain snapped his fingers and Kangin walked over and punched Yoseob in the gut.

Yoseob’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as his head fell forward.

“Bastard!” Hyunseung moved his arms around more, ignoring the pain and the blood dripping down his wrists.

Rain snapped his fingers again and this time Kangin backhanded Yoseob before hitting him in the gut again.

“Stop!” Hyunseung glared at Rain. “What do you want me to do?”

“I already told you.”

Hyunseung shook his head. “I wont. I wont betray them.”

Rain snapped his fingers again and Kangin punched Yoseob in the face. Blood ran down Yoseob’s nose and over the rag in his mouth.

Hyunseung twisted his arms more, the ropes cutting deeper, and sneered. “You’re a fucking bastard Rain. You always have been. Doojoon should have kicked you out long before he actually did.”

He was punched in the face and then in the gut.

“Yoon was a fool. I was the best he had and he knew it. He was blinded by compassion and had, has, too many weaknesses, you and this fool next to me being some of the main ones.”

Hyunseung spit blood out of his mouth. “Doojoon is smart and strong. What you call weakness we consider strength. You will never be like the men Doojoon and Junhyung are. You will never have the strength or skills they have. You will never succeed.” His eyes narrowed into slits. “You will always be the failure that I believed you to be.”

Rain yelled as he stood up and threw his chair aside. He punched Hyunseung in the face several times before Kangin pulled him away.

“You have to stop Sir. They’ll never believe that he’s with us if he looks like he’s had the shit beat out of him.”

Rain shook Kangin off and walked back over to Hyunseung, whose head was bowed, blood dripping from his mouth and nose onto the floor. He gripped Hyunseung’s chin, forcing him to look up.

Rain’s eyes locked with Hyunseung’s glossed over ones, his own eyes full of hate and determination. “You will join us.” He bent down and placed a rough kiss on Hyunseung’s lips, licking his lips as he pulled away. He then whispered in Hyunseung’s ear. “You will join me, because it’s the only way you’re going to be able to save at least one of the people you love.”

Rain turned around and headed out of the room, motioning for his men to follow. The lights going out as the door shut behind them.

Doojoon and Junhyung stood quiet for several moments in Doojoon’s office. It was just the two of them, both having come to the realization that they were the only ones who apparently needed to work things out.

Doojoon’s back was to Junhyung, his body leaning against his desk, his gaze focused on the darkness outside.

“Do you remember,” Doojoon’s voice was quiet “a certain conversation we had our first year of high school?”

Junhyung took a few steps closer to the desk. “On the schools roof, the day Hyunseung came back? Yes I remember.”

“Do you remember the promises we made to each other?”

Junhyung took a few more steps, coming to a stop in front of the desk. “Everyday.”

“Me too.” Doojoon put his hands in his pockets. “Then how come things ended up like this? How did we end up like this?”

Junhyung moved to the side of the desk. “I don’t know.” He shook his head. “We let the fear of our fathers consume us. We gave in to their worlds.”

“I don’t think we had much of a choice at the time.”

“No,” Junhyung took another step closer to Doojoon “I don’t think we did either.”

“But we did when they died. We could have changed things then. Why didn’t we?”

“Because we were all in shock of what had happened and too terrified about what lay ahead of us to be thinking clearly.” Another step closer. “None of us were prepared to take over that soon. We were focusing on what had to be done and not on what we really should do. We were thinking about surviving, not loving, not caring.” Another step. “We were forced to grow up too soon. I think, I believe, that the years we have spent apart gave us time to think about what’s important. Those years gave us time to discover who we could become versus who we want and are meant to be. Those years gave us time to realize what was wrong and right, to realize who we truly loved, and time to realize how important those hopes and dreams we once had are and how important that bond we once had still is.”

Doojoon gave a half-smile. “I think you’re right.” He looked over at Junhyung. “I don’t hate you Jun, I never have.”

Junhyung smiled. “Same here.”

Doojoon turned his gaze back to the window. “I feel like we’re back in middle school.”

“And why’s that?” Junhyung moved and leaned against the desk next to Doojoon.

“Because of how easy it is to forgive those you love.”

Junhyung put his hands in his pockets. “That’s just it though, there’s nothing to forgive Doojoon. Yoseob was right. We were forced into separating. We didn’t stop being friends because we wanted to; we had to if we wanted to survive.” He looked at Doojoon and locked eyes with the other male. “We never hated each other or tried to kill each other.  We never stopped caring about each other. We never stopped loving one another. The only harm we caused by staying separated was to those four who we swore to protect and take care of.” He smiled. “But then again, it must not have caused too much harm seeing as how they’re acting like the separation never happened.”

Doojoon smiled. “That is true. Did you see the looks Kikwang and Dongwoon gave each other?”

Junhyung gave a small laugh and looked out the window. “Yeah, they’re definitely fucking.”

Doojoon laughed. “So you and Seung, huh?”

This time Junhyung’s smile reached his eyes. “Yeah. And you and Seob?”

“Yeah.” Doojoon grinned. “I always knew you loved Hyunseung.”

“And you’ve always loved Yoseob.”

“Yes I have, but everyone knew that. How many people knew you loved Hyunseung?”

Junhyung grinned. “Just you.”

“And Seung?”

Junhyung was quiet. Doojoon looked at him.

“You’ve never told him?”

“I will.”

“I will kill you if you don’t, just so you’re aware.”

Junhyung laughed. “I’m aware now and I promise that I will tell him.”

Doojoon looked back out the window. “If it weren’t for him and Yoseob sticking together, if it weren’t for Hyunseung taking the risk he did with you, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

“I know. They were always like that though, especially Seung. Always making sure that we were all taken care of, that we were always together, making sure that we were never mad at each other and that fights only lasted a matter of minutes. They always did have the strongest hearts of the six of us.”

“I think we would all be lost without them.”

“I think you’re right.”

They both looked at each other.

Junhyung smiled. “Things are going to be okay, they’re going to be better.”

Doojoon smiled. “I know.”

Before either of them could say anything, the door to the office burst open, the two of them standing up and turning around.

“Quick! To the kitchen!” Chansung’s face was pale.

“What is it?” Doojoon and Junhyung were already to the door, Chansung following them.

“It’s him! The kid!”

“What kid?” Junhyung asked as they entered the kitchen. He froze though when he saw the rest of the members gathered around a young boy, beaten and bloody, on the floor.

Doojoon knelt down next to him. “Shit, Taemin.”

Taemin tried to talk, but ended up coughing up blood instead.

Doojoon looked at Dongwoon. “What happened?”

Dongwoon shook his head. “I-I don’t know. He stumbled in through the back door. He keeps mumbling, but we can’t make out anything.” He then lifted his bloody hand off of Taemin’s stomach, revealing a large stab wound.

Taemin tried to talk again, but still ended up coughing up blood.

Junhyung knelt down next to Doojoon and took one of Taemin’s hands into his own. “It’s okay kid, don’t talk. We’ll get you taken care of.”

Taemin let out a sob, squeezing Junhyung’s hand, and swallowing the overwhelming amount of blood in his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut and mustered every once of strength he had. “Se-Se-Seung…” His words were gurgled and then cut off by more coughing.

Doojoon and Junhyung looked at each other in alarm.

“What about Seung?” Junhyung squeezed Taemin’s hand.

Taemin let out another sob. “Yo-Yoseob…” More coughing, more blood.

“What about them?” Kikwang was kneeling next to Dongwoon, tears falling down his cheeks.

Taemin shook his head as he began crying freely now, his tears mixing with the blood on his face. He squeezed Junhyung’s hand and looked at him and Doojoon. “So…sorry…” He coughed several more times, his body convulsing with each one. And then his body stopped moving and his eyes closed, a final tear falling down his cheek.

Dongwoon let out a sob as he was pulled into Kikwang’s arms. Doojoon chocked back a cry as he placed a hand over Taemin’s eyes. Junhyung placed Taemin’s hands on his chest and looked at Doojoon.

“What did he mean about Hyunseung and Yoseob?”

Doojoon shook his head. “I don’t know.” He looked down and noticed a piece of paper sticking out of Taemin’s pant pocket. He pulled the paper out gently and unfolded it, recognizing Yoseob’s handwriting. Soon his eyes widened.

“What? What is it?” Junhyung took the paper from Doojoon’s hands and read it himself.

The paper soon fell from his hands, his facial expression mimicking that of Doojoon’s.

This couldn’t be happening.

Doojoon and Junhyung,

We’re not sure how to say this, Hyunseung and I, we don’t want to hurt you, but we feel as if though we’ve been left with no other choice.

We can’t, we won’t, live our lives like this anymore. We thought that maybe getting you two to bring the groups together would make things better, but we both know that it won’t. We don’t want to keep living these lives anymore, even if we are with you. Our hearts, our souls, can’t take it anymore. We don’t want to keep or know any more secrets. We don’t want to fight to survive. We can’t watch anymore as you all get hurt or hurt others. This is never the world we wanted and we can’t be a part of it any longer.

We know that you both tried your best, but it was just too late. I was never as strong as all of you and Hyunseung has become much weaker in spirit, especially since he killed those men. We would just hold you all back and that’s not what we want.

We would have said goodbye tonight, but your talk was too important. Your roles as leaders are important to this city and its people; you keep them safe and alive. You’ve done so much good, despite what you may think. If you were ever to stop or leave, the city would fall apart and its people would suffer greatly. And that is why we know that you can’t stop and we will never ask you too.

We ask only this, that if you don’t hate us and you feel as if though you can see us, one last time, then please meet us tomorrow morning, 10:00 am at the field where our fathers died, all of you. We know that this must sound strange, but just because we’re leaving doesn’t mean that we don’t love you, because we do, with all our hearts.

We love all of you, especially you two. We hope to see you tomorrow morning, all of you, one last time.

Yoseob and Hyunseung                                                                                    ~*~*~*~*~*~                                                                                      
A small window provided a little bit of light in the otherwise dark room. Hyunseung stood up and walked himself and the chair he was tied to over to Yoseob. He sat as close as he could to the other and then used his mouth to remove Yoseob’s gag.

Yoseob sucked in some much needed air before spitting out a mouthful of blood. “Thanks. It was getting hard to breathe.”

“How long did they have you before they got me?”

“About an hour.” He spit out some more blood. “I got a text from Taemin saying that you were at the Hotel upset and that he thought maybe I should come check on you.”

Hyunseung’s eyes narrowed. “Taemin?”

“Yeah. You don’t think he was in on this do you?”

Hyunseung shook his head. “No. He was threatened. Fuck!” He spit out some blood from his own mouth. “I thought he was a little off when I got to the Hotel. I should have fucking paid better attention!”

“Stop beating yourself up Seung, its not going to help us any.”

They were quiet for several minutes, until Yoseob opted to bring up something that hadn’t made sense to him until a few moments ago.

“They had me write a letter.”

Hyunseung looked at him. “A letter?”

“Yeah. It was for Doojoon and Junhyung. They had me say things like you and I couldn’t handle this life anymore, that we didn’t want to hurt them, that we loved them, that their trying was too late, and that we wanted them to meet us tomorrow morning at the field where our dads died.”


“I know. I didn’t really understand it until that bastard said what he did.” He bit his lip. “What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to agree to what they want.”

Yoseob’s eyes widened. “What?”

“It’s the only way that I can save you and the others.”

“But how?”

“I need you to trust me on this Yoseob. And I need you to go along with whatever I say and do. Please.”

Yoseob sighed. He knew that Hyunseung had something planned and Hyunseung’s plans always work out, for the most part. “Of course I trust you. I’ll do whatever you need me too.”

Hyunseung was going to reply, but the door to the room opened, the lights coming on. Rain and some of his men walked in. Two of his men were dragging a body by the arms into the room.

“I have a final persuasion for you Seung.” The body was drug over to him and he grabbed the person’s hair, pulling their head up.

Hyunseung’s eyes widened. “Minho.”

Minho had a large cut on his forehead, a black eye, and a swollen lip. He glared at Hyunseung. “Never thought you’d see me again, huh?”

Hyunseung turned his gaze to Rain. “What the fuck are you doing? The kid has nothing to do with this.”

Rain chuckled. “Oh, but he does. You see, you’ve always had a soft spot for the weak, for those who were helpless.”

“How did you even know about him?”

“I told you, I’ve had men following your leaders for weeks. So of course I knew about the dock.” He smiled. “One of my men grabbed him as he was running away from the dock.”

Yoseob was shocked. “You’ve had him this whole time?”

Rain looked at Yoseob. “Yes. I tried to persuade him to join me, but,” he backhanded Minho “he’s a stubborn little shit. Kept going on about how Yoon Doojoon would save him and how he was going to be a part of his gang.” Rain laughed. “It was rather pathetic.” He hit Minho again and then grabbed him by the hair. “Isn’t that right?”

Minho glared and Rain laughed. “He even talked about you Seung.” He walked over to Hyunseung and stood behind him, placing his hands on the others shoulders. “He talked about how great a fighter you are. How you were the strongest, stronger than Yoon.” He bent down to Hyunseung’s ear. “I wonder who taught you how to fight like that?’

“Fuck you!”

“I told you, someday. But for now I want you to watch this.” Rain snapped his fingers and one of the men punched Minho in the stomach and then in the face.

“Stop it!” Yoseob yelled. He couldn’t watch this, Minho was just a kid.

Rain smiled and snapped his fingers again. This time Minho was thrown to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

Hyunseung twisted his arms, gaining him more pain and blood. “Stop it! Stop now!”

Rain snapped his fingers, the kicking stopping, and squeezed Hyunseung’s shoulders.

“Why should I? What are you going to do for me?”

Hyunseung clenched his jaw. “You fucking bastard.”

Rain’s fingers snapped again, the kicking beginning again. Minho was trying to block his head, but Hyunseung was able to see the tears and fear in his eyes.



“I said fine! I’ll do it. Just stop hurting the kid!”

Rain removed his hands. “That’s enough.” He walked around and stood in front of Hyunseung. “You’ll do what?”

Hyunseung glared. “I,” he looked at Yoseob “we’ll join you.”

Yoseob nodded his head.

Rain grinned. “That’s a very wise decision.”

“But I have a few conditions.”

Rain’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What?”

“Yoseob stays by me at all times. No one touches him, bothers him, or controls him. He’s under me and me alone.”

“Fine. And?”

“Neither one of us does any killing. You want someone dead you get one of the idiots behind you to do it, not us.”

“I suspected as much. Anything else?”

“Tomorrow, when we go to that field, Yoseob stays hidden, somewhere safe. And you let me,” he paused for a moment “you let me talk to them before you kill them.”

Rain quirked an eyebrow. “Why would I do that?”

“I’m not stupid, I know you’ll kill Yoseob if I say anything and I’m not going to lose everyone I love in one day. I just…” He trailed off, not sure of what to say.

Rain sighed. “Fine.” He bent down to be at eye-level with Hyunseung. “But if you say or do anything that gives them any idea of what’s going on I will slaughter them and then torture and murder Yoseob in front of you.”

Hyunseung’s glare intensified, but he nodded his head in understanding.

Rain grinned and stood. “Good. Take the kid to a hospital. Just push him out of the car, no need to get out.”

Two of his men dragged Minho’s body out of the room, where he promptly punched both of them in the face for over-excessive kicking.

“Everyone else leave.”

The other men left and Rain squatted down in front of Hyunseung, caressing the latter’s cheek. “You won’t hate me forever Seung. I promise I’m not all evil. There are things and people that I do care about.” He ran his thumb over Hyunseung’s lips. “I promise I’ll take care of you and Yoseob. You’ll never have to be in a situation where you will need to kill someone. You’ll never be afraid or alone. I’ll always protect you.” He then gripped Hyunseung’s chin and kissed him, slow and passionate, ignoring Hyunseung’s attempts to pull away. He then stood up and walked out of the room.

Hyunseung spit several times, tears running down his cheeks. “I fucking hate you. I hope you fucking die tomorrow.” His voice was laced with venom.

Yoseob bit his lip, his own tears falling. He wasn’t sure of what all tomorrow would bring, but he was sure of three things. First, people were going to die, several of them, and he was going to have to watch it happen. Second, their lives would forever be changed tomorrow, whether for the better or for the worse, he didn’t know. And third, whatever Hyunseung had planned was going to be the deciding factor in whether or not good or evil won.

taemin, kiwoon, dooseob, r, joon, beast, junseung, hyuna, mir, drama

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