What I Just Finished Reading
Nothing, but, hey, I did start a fic for Ults Day. Maybe I will even finish it.
What I'm Reading Now
Comics Wednesday!
Invaders #10: There's a massive boring fight and I don't care but, hey, now Steve and Namor are stranded on an island together. I have read so much fanfic and yet I am sure the next issue will disappoint me.
Powers of X #6: Here we are at the end of HoX/PoX. That was... kind of trippy and I'm not entirely sure I learned anything? But, hey, it was a better ending than Avengers got! But I am pretty sure "homo novissima" is terrible Latin agreement.
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #49: The penultimate issue of Squirrel Girl! Every villain ever teams up to fight Doreen and her friends and Tony, who is still naked! The fight scene is hilarious and the Avengers come in and help and Steve lets Doreen say "Avengers, assemble!" so, yeah. All of Doreen's old enemies come to help her too! Kraven! Man, I'm gonna miss this comic. But, man, that's a cliffhanger ending.
What I'm Reading Next
I don't even know.
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