And now, finally, last season's Disco season finale.
They have sure gone out of their way to set up a ridiculous against-impossible-odds ship fight. I mean, I get what they're going for, but it starts to look a little silly.
Also, they better not kill Stamets or Disco and I will be Having Words.
But, hey, at least they have allies show up. Was expecting the Klingons. Not so much the Kelpians.
Also, maybe Stamets is not dead? And maybe he and Culber will get back together? That would be good.
The signal time travel was pretty trippy.
Why do they keep trying to punch Control? It seems like that is just a bad idea and doomed to fail, although admittedly I do like watching Michelle Yeoh punch people.
Also, yeah, totally saw that "shutting self in with the torpedo" thing coming.
And, wow, we did not need to slow this down for the Michael & Spock scene. But I'm just gonna pretend her advice to reach for someone is about Kirk.
But given that they still have Control on board I'm not sure how taking Control with them to the future will fix anything? Whatever. Oh, never mind, I guess they can torture Control to death. I guess it's good that Georgiou doesn't care about the ethics of doing any of that!
I appreciate the debriefing with everyone furiously lying to Starfleet, though. Ha. Also not sure why Ash is in charge of Section 31. REALLY STILL NOT SURE WHY EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT SECTION 31. But I'm glad Spock invented a version of the Temporal Prime Directive?
But, oh, boy, I guess Discovery's in the future now. Well, I guess that explains why no one uses the spore drive ever again. And why Spock never talks about his sister. Also, thank God, he's shaved. But I think they are doing a very good job with the Pike-era Enterprise feel at the end without being too cringy. (Because, having rewatched The Cage recently, there are definitely some terrible parts.)
And now I get to watch the Disco Season 3 trailer and the Short Treks!
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