So I put on my Captain Marvel hoodie and we went to see GotG2 because I could not think of a better occasion to wear a Captain Marvel hoodie.
I liked it! I mean, the plot was predictable, but it was supposed to be, and the music was good (I have The Chain and Brandy You're A Fine Girl stuck in my head, thanks), and it was funny, and what else do you want from a summer Marvel movie?
(1) Honestly I think my very favorite moment was the Stan Lee cameo with him talking to the Watchers. (Watchers are now MCU canon! I love the multiverse.)
(2) I knew going in that they were changing Peter's parentage from 616 and that now Ego was his father (I was kind of meh about that whole plotline, and I was unimpressed with Nebula and Gamora -- I don't think the movie knew what to do with them and Gamora wasn't badass enough for me -- but I really liked Rocket/Groot/Yondu and also Drax/Mantis.) but mostly I am kind of WTF from a universe standpoint at MCU Ego being a Celestial (I didn't think he was in 616) and Peter therefore being half-Celestial. Celestials! Now a thing across the universe.
(3) I know the director said there was an LGBT character but it was very subtle, or something along those lines. Does anyone have any guesses? My best guess is Mantis because she said she wasn't interested in Drax, with the statement "I don't even like the kind of thing that you are," which could be species or... something else. Okay, I'm STILL BITTER that the actual canonically queer Guardians are still not in this series. I read all of DNA cosmic before the first GotG movie and fell hard for Moondragon and Phyla-Vell and they're just... not gonna show up, I guess. (Or not be alive in 616.) I want my lesbian space dragon girlfriends, goddammit.
(4) So I guess next we're getting Adam Warlock along with Gamora and Nebula wanting to kill Thanos, huh? (I still think the Thanos fight should end with the Avengers and the Guardians totally beaten until Squirrel Girl steps up.)
(5) I am a little sad that the Nathan Fillion cameo seems to have been deleted; there had been spoiler images of a movie theater set where the posters outside were of him as Simon Williams (!!!) in a Tony Stark biopic. Okay, most of me isn't that sad, because (a) I'm kind of sick of Nathan Fillion, (b) 616 Tony Stark is canonically portrayed by Henry Hellrung (even though Simon is an actor) and (c) Wonder Man is probably my least favorite 616 Avenger ever and I literally just dropped Uncanny Avengers from my pull because he showed up. (Him and Sentry and the Hulk.) But I would kind of liked to have seen how that fit into the wider Marvel universe.
(6) I really like the team-as-family theme although I'm a little bitter about Gamora being shoved into the role of team mom. Also bitter because this is the dynamic I wanted for the Avengers and MCU basically... doesn't have it? I mean, in 616 the Guardians come together because Peter gets Mantis to telepathically coerce them to like each other! The Avengers are the found family! Why did you flip this, MCU?
I... think that's it.
And then I went to my comics store and picked up my pull (including Secret Empire FCBD) and they were having a used trade sale and I got
lysimache some Age of Bronze trades even though she hates comics. I have to say Age of Bronze seems very slow-moving. It promises the whole Trojan War in seven books. Book two ("Sacrifice") has Iphigenia being sacrificed, apparently. By the end of book three the Achaeans still have not reached Troy. It's a long war.
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