Went and saw the Logan movie yesterday.
So I haven't ever read Old Man Logan, but I have a vague idea that it's by Millar, and I don't know if that means I should have been expecting all the stabbings (because after all it's not like it's Ults, right?). My vague idea of the plot of Old Man Logan was "Logan travels the dystopian wasteland."
So, uh, basically, this movie was VERY STABBY and I was not prepared. I don't know if it's just that I don't like violent movies but oh my God there was a lot of blood and death. I couldn't even really be that upset about Logan and Charles dying (although I really hope he knew it wasn't Logan who killed him) when the whole movie was basically a bunch of setpieces of wall-to-wall violence linked together by a very thin plot. It got to the point where every time another group of characters would come on screen I was counting them up to try to figure out how many stabbings I was going to have to watch in the next three minutes. Seriously, everyone died. PILE OF BODIES.
I did like Laura Kinney, though, but, uh, don't we all?
And Rictor! Rictor is now in the movieverse! I didn't expect to see him! My surprise B-list-hero gay fave! (I mean, I am so out of the X-book loop that I don't even know if he's dead or depowered or anything now -- like, basically I stopped reading before M-Day -- but man did I ship RicStar back in the day. Even before it was canon.) I have to say I wasn't expecting him to be some kind of telekinetic; I was sitting there waiting for the earthquakes to start.
That was Caliban of the Morlocks, right? Have we... have we even had the Morlocks, in the movies? I can't remember.
I am also very confused as to what timeline this movie is supposed to take place in; at one point Charles asked Logan about the Statue of Liberty and he said that happened a long time ago. And not only did that happen a long time ago, no one should remember it except Logan, and that includes Charles, right? Because after Days of Future Past no one except Logan should remember any of the original timeline up to that point? Anyway, I don't get it.
So I'm not really sure where people are getting "best comic book movie" ever from this, but you all must have a higher tolerance for stabbings than I did. I guess you should just be aware that it is bleak and it is stabby.
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