Crazy, crazy, crazy

Feb 10, 2013 13:26

My friend's son Connor is the apple of my eye. I have never met a boy so sweet. Granted he thinks I'm his girlfriend, even though he is 3. I watched him last night and he made me realize, once again, how precious the love of a child is. He is just so innocent and full of life and energy. I hope one day I can have that. Having children really is a blessing. I just want to be comfortable when I have kids. Not worrying about if I'll have a job and how we will pay bills. Or if the man I am with will walk out of my life. It's all a scary realization. I'll be 22 soon and it's scary to me to think that I am capable of children. I still feel like I am so young.
Anywho, life in every other department is doing very well. The only thing I wish is that I was closer with my friends. Lately, it feels like we are all wrapped up in our own lives to pay attention to each other. It's really sad because these are all precious moments. You can't get them back once they are gone.
Things with Josh are pretty good! It's just weird that I have known him 6 months now. Where did the time go?! We haven't fought yet, thankfully. We have a pretty good mutual understanding of each other. It's nice to go short periods of time away and to come back and all we can do is smile. I know he feels bad about me driving to see him, but I know he is trying to get his shit together. I just hope he isn't pulling my leg and trying to make progress. I hope within the next 3 months, the jackass finds a job or goes back to school. Either or, I'll be content. If he does neither, then I know he isn't trying. I'm to that point in my life where I need someone who has the same ambitions as myself. I can't have someone dragging me down or holding me back. It sounds awful to say, but I'm on a perfect path for myself. I don't want it wasted.
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