Day 17 dawned with the House Mates up bright and early, eager to get into another day.
Carey-Anne was still stunned that she made it into the final three. It was all she could think about.
Even making out with her husband couldn't shake the shock from her.
Doctor Horrible shocked her even more by voluntarily changing Thorn's nappy.
And it was lucky that he did, as Bluebell and Briar were busying themselves in the hot tub. Again.
But it was so good that even the afterglow had it's own afterglow.
Carey-Anne did not want to discuss the possibility of having children with her husband (or anyone else!). She was dead set against the idea - how was she supposed to achieve world domination if she was stuck with a kid?
Big Brother gave them a sweet treat - by getting them a lap dog named Dodger!
Only Doctor Horrible was interested in Dodger, but the dog was so small that even he had some trouble finding him.
BB then announced it was time to start their first task of the day - axe throwing! Briar tried to throw the doctor off by showing him how her milkshake would bring everyone to her yard.
But he wasn't so easily distracted.
Bluebell got right into the activity, in a way that both scared and excited Briar.
Despite her efforts, Bluebell sucked at it.
Carey-Anne was pleased with how badly Bluebell performed, however.
Especially as it made her look even more awesome than what she already was.
And though Briar tried as well, her performance was worse than Bluebell's - Bluebell at least got all three axes onto the target! Briar proved she was a danger to everyone around her, by throwing one backwards.
BB decided that the potential homicide risk was too great, and sent them all inside.
BB had decided to treat them with some music - but they had to make it themselves.
Bluebell and Briar got right into it, though the former was far better than the latter.
Carey-Anne and her husband weren't that interested in making that sort of music just then.
Once they were finally finished, they joined the others in the lounge. Carey-Anne only had one thing on her mind.
The HMs they played together. BB thought his ears were bleeding for a while, but the HMs were enjoying themselves, so that was what mattered.
After a while, they all swapped around, to try and get a feel for the different instruments. And to hopefully make it sound better.
Doctor Horrible was quite keen to study the mating habits of the lesbians, but only while his wife wasn't around.
Carey-Anne warned him that she'd put his balls in a vice if he misbehaved, which was a warning he took seriously.
But to show him that she still loved him, they had some bonding time on the couch together.
Which meant that they ignored what was happening in the corner...
Thorn and Rose had finally transitioned into toddlers!
This thrilling event had Bluebell try to become one with the wall.
But that didn't last long, as it was soon time for another Eviction!
And it was time to go....
Doctor Horrible was extremely pissed that Briar was to be taken from him evicted.
Carey-Anne was pleased. Very, very pleased.
And Bluebell was devastated.
Carey-Anne told her to suck it up and get over it - they'd all be out in a couple of days!
They said their goodbyes before BB forced Briar and the twins out.
Briar and the twins slowly left the House - she couldn't believe that she'd made it this far, or that she was leaving with twin toddlers in tow!
Rose didn't think much of Big Brother, she had got to spend hardly any time in the House!
Bluebell tried to make herself feel better by having a cold shower outside.
While Carey-Anne took her husband to the hot tub to celebrate their survival.
Bluebell made a delicious turkey dinner, but the happy couple outside ignored her calls for dinner, so she ate alone. Out of habit, she set a place for Briar.
After Bluebell had finished her dinner, the Horribles finally came inside, unaware of how much the dinner had meant to Bluebell.
She was feeling a bit down, and didn't want to wash the dishes the normal way, but the Horribles didn't even notice that.
They were having some troubles of their own, with Doctor Horrible trying to convince Carey-Anne that they should have children of their own.
She told him that there was no way she was going to be popping anything out of her vajayjay, and if he wanted kids so much he could have them himself!
She said that because they were married, they could share things - well, she was giving childbirth to him!
He was not happy with that.
Bluebell took herself to the lounge to play a few mournful love songs on the piano, as she was missing Briar and the twins terribly.
Unable to put up with the argument occurring in the kitchen any longer, Bluebell took herself to bed, where she could only think of the lovely Briar.
The Horribles soon joined her, their discussion unresolved.
toddler spam!
I love that Rose grew into the same hairstyle as Briar :) I decided to leave them in the hair they transitioned into for now, and once their personalities come out, I might change them around :)
Carey-Anne's face was stuck like that for most of the morning.
oh look at you, you big scary wolf!
Carey-Anne and Doctor Horrible spend nearly all their uncontrolled time in the hot tub, shagging like bunnies. And they would be at it for far longer than normal, I swear. I'm also pretty sure he's trying to oops her, but it hasn't happened yet!
PS. Check out
Erinsborough Bay, if you haven't already :)
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Meet the House Mates]
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Day 15]
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