
Feb 14, 2009 21:12

 I started a whole new neighborhood to do a new legacy in. I'm still going to play the Taylors and updated them but I'm bored of them as of right now, so I got the itch to make a new one. I got ACR to work too so that's been... interesting.

I'm in the new neighborhood right now and building the prettiest restaurant ever. I'm thinking I'll package it (and all the stuff in it because there's a bunch of CC), and I'll probably make it available for download on here when I finish it. I'll put up pictures and stuff in a little while. It reminds me of this restaurant in Georgia that I go to called Green Manor. Its a really pretty old plantation house and they do weddings and stuff there, and during the summer you can eat on the porch. I love it.

ANYWAY. back to simming. I have been pretty good about staying off the interwebs though :)
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