fannish things that make me !!!

Feb 09, 2011 13:14

Awesome TVD OT3 fic! \o/
So I Say To You, Come Home by laniaaa is my very favorite kind of happy-making TVD future-fic -- in which Damon finally wins his way into Elena&Stefan’s hearts and bed. Nice balance between romance and hilarity. (5,600 words) “He isn't sure how to bring it up, not to her at least, because the way Damon told him wasn't particularly something he feels like vocalizing. 'Hey, Elena, so -- while I was in the shower Damon pulled back the curtain and told me I was being a selfish bastard and that I should share you, what do you think?' No, it just doesn't work for him, sorry.”

butterfly (see: Kirk - "Circus") has put out a Damon vid! I think this vidder has a flair for finding that pop song that people wouldn't associate with a fandom, and then showing us exactly why it makes unexpected sense for a character. // "and I know I let you have all the power" Damon keeps finding himself in these unequal relationships. And, as butterfly says in her vidder notes, he falls in love like he's going to die from it (and other people will, too) -- which is not always pretty to watch, but it's sure interesting.

fuckyeahfranktmini. A+ to all the femslash shipping in the Skins fandom. I've always loved how it shipped more femslash pairings than the canon one during the last 2 seasons, and now we've been blessed again with great f/f pairings and fans who appreciate them. ♥ Just a couple episodes and Mini/Franky owns me so far. If they never become canon there will be some serious weeping and wailing across the land.

lucia_tanaka has finished her Dresden Files slash WIP! I CAN'T WAIT. I've been holding back until it was done, just tracking the progress, and now I'm glad I waited because I can sit down tonight and enjoy the whole thing. Other Things The Road to Hell is Paved With ~130,000 words, Dresden/Marcone.

fandom:vampire.diaries, fandom:dresden.files, fandom:skins

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