May 14, 2009 19:27
I LOVE dancing. I am always dancing. I have one half hour ballroom lesson every week but in between that I am dancing round the house, perfecting my balance practicing my pliés and arabesques in the hope that someday I can dance ballet again.
But I have just come home from my ballroom lesson and I am quite unhappy. For the first three dances (jive, rumba, cha cha) I felt like a complete dance failure; and worse I felt awkward. I have never in my life felt awkward when I am dancing. It was made worse by the other teacher, who dislikes me greatly and made me give up ballet when I was 8 because I was 'too fat' (even though I was in no way overweight, I was just not stick thin as she likes her ballet dancers to be) who rolled her eyes at me and made me feel horrible.
They are just so snooty. They are so casual and chat away with each other during MY lesson and barely push me at all, and yet they look down on anyone but their inner-clique (which includes my teachers three children) and it was just not fun. At all.
So I am hoping to find a new dance school. But I have NO idea where to start.
real life