I've decided to use the massive amounts of time I will have this summer scouring charity shops and vintage markets (I <3 you proximity to London). I am the worst person in the world to attempt to dress myself, as I never know what I like, so I'm scouring the interweb for inpsiration.
Basically, people can defend the abstract concept of 'fashion' all they want but can't deny that the fashion industry gives minors money to become unhealthily underweight and get molested by photographers.
But really I should use these hostile environments as reasons as to why I should create my own world through my outfits, because a certain outfit totally puts you in a different placeOh wow, that's SO TRUE, I never thought of it like that! That really is what style is all about... Speaking of which, since you seem to make a bunch of awesome style posts every now and again, I was wondering if you could point me to any style blogs I ought to be reading? I'm stuck in a bit of a clothing-rut at the moment ( ... )
You always inspire me to want to post about clothes!
Haha thank you! Pleeeaassse do!!
Hmmm... I can't honestly say that I have any good blogs on my radar at the moment, but when I want to look at clothes I love flicking through this Finnish site about street style in Helsinki. So many people there dress so well.
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