Star Warsy goodness and other things

Jun 16, 2006 12:25

So Erik and I did a little pre-LARP writing exercises last night. Sat down and discussed the new Star Wars LARP I am writing for CQ this year. Another 15 person LARP. This one takes place during the original trilogy, sometime between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. And if our preliminary discussions mean anything, this LARP will have a higher paranoia factor than any other game I've written to date. If I can refine it, should be an excellent game. WOOT! Can't say much more without giving up too much plot but I will say this...NO JEDI. I wrote an all Jedi game to satisfy cravings for Jedi and I'm done now.

I am writing this from work, being very bored. This is kind of the slow time for my work. Monday will be a little more back in gear but won't get fully into things again until July 5th. So I have to sit here, finding things that I can pretend to be working on. Everyone on the floor, including supervisors, KNOW that there is no work getting done but we all still have to make the pretense of doing things. In fact, I would estimate about half the office is not even here. Sometimes pretending to work is more trouble than ACTUALLY working.

I am looking forward to seeing mi amigos tonight for dinner and movie. I hope to be well inebriated by the time of the movie so I can fully appreciate the genius of Jack Black. And I should be sober enough to drive home by the time the movie is done. At least, that is my plan.

Then Saturday has more gaming goodness in store for me and I am really looking forward to it. Every player is a great role player and we get a lot of good character development and interaction going. Can't wait. *grin*
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