Feb 04, 2006 22:19
he island is always in her mind. The home she has determined she will never return to. She did miss it, she celebrated being away from it also. She swore she would never let herself be entrapped again, by land, water, or people.
Her friends couldn't understand, nor her family. Why did she loath the place of her birth and of everything she knew? They couldn't see that her whole life was planned out and without her consent on the island. she would marry this man. He was kind, gentle, and dark. She admits she Had loved him, even still loved him but would never confess this to him. She saw what lay ahead of her there, and was trapped. Trapped by her family and friends, and most of all, this man, who smothered her with love. Did he know what love is? She wasn't so sure. He wanted to marry her, she just wanted to live and be carefree.
When it came down to it, she wouldn't tell him how she really felt, only that they wouldn't share a life together. He was deeply hurt; she was sympathetic and didn't wish him to be in pain because of her. She resolved to leave and forget it all. He would heal in time and marry another girl. One that would make him feel just as she made him feel before. He claimed that would never happen. She knew better though.
So she left and won her freedom and happiness. She traveled and saw many great things, and for many years never thought back on her past on the island. Slowly, unexpectedly, she found herself thinking more and more upon her origins, and it became a constant companion of her concious mind.
At first it was the source of endless troubles to her head and heart, but she had an unforeseen growth of spirit and understanding. The thoughts ceased to bother her, but never left her. She soon appreciated it.
This young woman grew into a woman and did many great things in her life, and prospered in every regard.
She was right to choose her path.
and though the man she was promised to be married to, met another who he grew to love and took as a wife, was also right, and told the truth that no one ever made him feel quite as the girl who left the island had done so many years ago. This is not to lessen his love and devotion to his wife, which was above that of any other man, just a special moment in his heart he held dear and never forgot.
Thus ended the tale of two anchient lovers named Jolskelle and Tellapis that the mythologies misted over and never told, but refered and looked to time and time again.
From these two Lovers came these two different types of characteristics that are attributed to everyone in some degree.
there are those who able to be happy with whatever they are given and are easy to please and quick to love, and love completely, more than once even. They prefere to keep things the way they are and fight hard to maintain something they see as good. To these we owe our traditions and inherited values; our steadfastness, our ability to endure.
And those who must be free to live. Who, faced with a cage, even a gilded cage, will sacrifice all to obtain their release. To these we owe our advancements and evoloution of ideas and culture; our fire for life and passion for the unknown.