Jul 29, 2002 19:17
I'm in, well, I know it could be worse, but I'm in fairly considerable pain right now. I think I've got a trapped nerve or something in my face and a few things are keeping me sane right now. This is them:
1) Bitching about it in the LJ, courtesy of Elfie. So thankyou very much for that one, hun. Especially the scruptious design.
2) Chatting to my girl Mally who's keeping me from sticking a big pin in my cheeks right now. I heart you big-time chica, and I'm claiming your ass *g*.
3) Playing/swearing at occasionally Photoshop and PSP, to which I owe and heart Rune tons (not the swearing part). I've got a few things down, but working out how to fit one image so it's 'behind' the other/a part of the other is driving me nuts. I think I'll have to swot up on masks and whatnot. I think I'll be sticking with Animation Shop's wizzard for icon animations. Maybe I can work out that 'blinky text' that all the teenyboppers seem to be so fond of. Hell - I'm not going to be outdone by a bloody 14 year old Britney fan! Speaking of age (cue tangent), I nearly told someone I was still 18 the other day. Guh - where did those few years go?? I'm still thinking the 80's were only a few years sgo! Great - hot, achy, fat-cheeked and now living in a time warp.
4) Kate - who's as sweet as sugar, as ever. Can always rely on you for insightful thoughts, feelings and reliability. Thankyou.
Yes, I'm a sap, but right now I'm too hot 'n bothered to care.
::hugs and hearts to all of you::