Today's subject line is from Jeffrey Foucault's "Thistledown Tears," which is a song that somehow I have managed to listen to I don't even know how many times now without paying close attention to the lyrics -- until a post went up over at
milliways_bar last night using some of those lines, and I blinked and took a second look.
And then a third. And then I went to put the music on, and set it to repeat.
It's going to be one of those days, I think; not a bad day, not that, but one of those days that I'm going to need to confront straight-on, head held high and eyes wide open, no holds barred and nothing held back.
And in doing so, I need to remember three things:
- Sometimes a thing gets broke can't be fixed. Thank you, Kaylee Frye, for your words of wisdom.
- It's okay to not be okay. Everyone falls down sometimes. Of course, now having said that, I feel the need to reassure anyone who's reading that I am okay. Because it's true - I am. These last weeks and months have been kind of rough for a variety of reasons that I haven't really talked about much beyond "things are busy at work" and mention of some health-related strain, but I actually think there's a lesson or two in there for me. As far as work goes, I am learning that I really can't do everything, and it's okay to call for help when I need it, and no one will think less of me for that. As far as the health things go, all the tests have now checked out normal (hurrah!), and I'm figuring out ways to work with my body instead of against it. In short, things are looking up.
- The greatest treasures may be found where least expected, even in the simplest things. Learn to look for them. Even as I've watched several sets of cherished plans crash hard and fall into dust over the course of these last few weeks, I also see new things rising up on the horizon as well. Small things, large things, curious things, things that hold whispers of promise and ways to put all the pieces together into something new and potentially wonderful. And that will do me just fine.
As I write this, the playlist has come to an end. Time to appreciate the quiet for a moment, then get another cup of coffee and start it over again.
The day's waiting.
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