It is ten after five and I am still at work, but have also discovered that DW is not blocked here. Mind you, I don't intend to make a habit of this (because then it will be blocked), but a few minutes' break won't hurt anyone, right?
Following the pattern of the rest of this week, I am probably going to be here for another three hours or so at minimum, or at least until I lose the argument with the security guard who ever-so-kindly encourages me to go home when he does his rounds to lock up and secure the building at night, but that's okay, because I have tomorrow and Friday off for Adventures in Fun, and I am so looking forward to it!
Surely I have more actual content to offer. Aieee. Um. In no particular order, I'm looking forward to Ikea opening out here, I am watching in horror as storms continue to descend on the South, my cat has figured out that if she waits until I hit snooze on my alarm and then yowls in my ear that I will in fact actually get up right then and feed her, I have gone running every day so far this week despite my ridiculous work schedule, I cannot believe that it is almost May and the semester is almost over but I am not thinking about that oh no I am not...
... and on that note, I think that's about all the time I've got at the moment. Time to make more tea and get back to it.
And also to get more tea, because I appear to be down to my last cup or two here at the office, which leads me to paraphrase the words of the immortal Jack Sparrow to cry aloud that great eternal question: why is the rum tea gone?
Actually, you can answer that, if you like. Why IS the tea gone? Most creative answer wins a prize!
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