(Crossposting note: I'm trying Dreamwidth, and will decide based on the experience if I'll use it as primary posting or as a backup. I'll talk about LJ later.)
So I leave town for Dragon*Con, and come back to find that Boulder's
on fire. It's still uncontrolled as of this morning, evidently. The map makes me sad, because I know and love that specific little area, and it's looking like a large part of it is now nothing but ash. At least no one's been injured or killed.
Here's hoping it all works out, somehow.
Dragon*Con was a lot of fun, especially getting together with people who I'd not seen for a long while and meeting some that I'd not previously met. I went to a few panels, although not nearly as many as I'd planned. The ones I did go to made up for that, though, especially the BSG panel on the first full day, and the Towers of Midnight reading, which has me so excited about the book that I can't even begin to articulate it.
I can, however, share the book trailer that was shown at the reading!!! Spoilers, naturally, although it's not going to be a surprise to anyone who's either heard me babble about a Certain Storyline or who's read The Fires of Heaven (book 5), Knife of Dreams (book 11), and The Gathering Storm (book 12)...
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The release date is November 2nd. I can't wait.
This entry was originally posted at
http://silveraspen.dreamwidth.org/244799.html and mirrored to LJ. Please comment where you wish! (There are
comments currently posted at Dreamwidth.)