As if I was going to miss this show, schoolwork or not.
Fair warning: I am unspoiled for next week beyond tonight's preview, and I plan to stay that way.
I don't think I'm anywhere near done flailing over this episode yet, but a few quick points that stuck out.
* Called it, regarding Ava. There were too many anomalies with her from the beginning for me to be comfortable with her seeming sweet innocence.
* Andy! Oops. I am going to miss you.
* Also the Roadhouse and its denizens, even if I don't believe for a second that Ellen is dead, at least. I'm a little worried, though -- who overheard Ash's call? Who else could have been better positioned in the heart of the opposition, as it were, to keep an eye on things? I don't want to be suspicious of Ellen, I really, really don't. And yet.
* Okay, who else is freaked out that Mary recognized the demon? Or that Sam swallowed demon blood? Say it with me, folks: that can't be good.
* At least Lily wasn't quite evil? No, I know that's a really weak excuse. Come on, show, you can do better than bowing to tropes that don't need to be perpetuated. Thanks.
* Ditto, re: Jake. I'm hoping for better things there next week, though, once I get past the STABBING WITH A KNIFE IN THE BACK.
* And the look on Dean's FACE. That WHOLE SCENE. AUGH.
* Or if you're dead, you can't stay that way.
Which leads me to a setup that I fear.
If IMToD turns out to have been a setup for the future, I will CRY.
Seriously. Think about it. Back then, we had ghost!Dean staying by Sam, communicating through Ouija board, and on the verge of making a choice with Tessa.
Tonight we had Exposition!Andy talking about putting images into people's minds and then demonstrating that Dean could be reached that way.
If Sam stays dead and uses his power from beyond the grave to stick by and communicate with his brother until such time as Dean, who has already confronted death TWICE and escaped it, makes a third attempt somehow...
I can't even go past that thought. Surely not. Surely not even Kripke would do that to us.
And yet it would fit.
(Did I say AUGH enough yet?)
AUGH. Oh, boys.