Aug 17, 2010 13:05
I've gained a little weight. It pisses me off because I was SO CLOSE to breaking into the 120s again. But, I haven't been able to exercersize due to the seriously excessive heat wave we've had this week. After four years in temperate Irvine, this kind of heat just kills me. It's almost as bad as Florida, at least in how much it debilitates me. In fact, if you need proof of it...this past weekend was the Nike Family Fun Day. Since Nike is my normal walk, we decided to save on gas and not worry about parking, and walk there.
It was so hot that we had to stop at Fred Meyer on the way and get a cold bottle of water. We got there, and there were loads of free things and jumping houses and all sorts of things for fun. We made a quick circuit around to see what it was, and then I confessed that I was just too hot. We retreated for a bit into the only open building and cooled off. Even then, once we were cool, and we went back into the was hard. Even with things like an icey smoothie, and cool drinks, and watermelon, it was just too much. We went inside for a bit again, and I told Brian that I had to go home. I was just still too over-heated.
We started walking back, with me already feeling sick and faint...and then I started to throw up. I ended up throwing up in pieces as we tried to walk back, at least to get to Fred Meyer. It was awful. I was super flushed, and dizzy. I didn't quite make it to Fred Meyer; we stopped at the somewhat closer McDonalds instead. I recovered with some ice water and AC, though for a bit I was shivering from the shock of the cold air. I felt a little off yesterday, probably because of all this.
So, I haven't been walking to Nike this week, since it still hasn't cooled off. It's supposed to cool off as of tomorrow. Dramatically. By about 20 degrees. I CANNOT WAIT. It's so uncomfortable at night. We have the windows, and inside doors open and the fan going all night...I wake up feeling like I have a sore throat...ugh.
Also, last night I stayed up super late trying to write Natsumi back...T.T And G-MAIL DELETED IT BECAUSE MY INTERNET SHORTED OUT FOR NO GOOD REASON! T.T An hour of my life...wasted...*sigh* Ah well. I was just going to save it to finish it today anyway. I should probably write Jun back first anyway.
Now, this is going to sound strange after all I just said, but I'm off to take a little walk. I need the exercise. I will not stand to see 131 on the scale anymore. 130, maybe. But, not 131. I'm going to go and walk around for about 20 minutes. Then I'll come back inside and rest for a bit. Then, I'll go out and try for another 20 minutes. Come back, rest. Another 20 minutes. I'd like to at least get a full hour in. Longer if I can. I'm bringing ice water with me, even for the 20 minutes. I'll try my best to stay cool. I'm wearing my loose "Zell pants" today, instead of my jean capris (named so because they look like a cross between FFVIII's Zell's shorts (and actually FFX's Tidus' shorts, but without the netting so...just Zell is fine)). As they say: 行って来ます!
complaints and grievances,
pen pals,
things that i do,