Is It Just Me, Or Is That An Owl?

Aug 18, 2010 01:57

One of the things I miss most about my old Toshiba laptop is how quiet the keys were. I mean, really. My Sony sounds like CLACK CLACK CLACK. I might as well be on a typewritter. Brian is sleeping--has been sleeping for several hours now. Yes, it really is 1:50am. I can't sleep yet. I've been staying up late doing things for too many nights in a row now. I need to get back on track, but...we'll see. I've still heard nothing back from any of my job applications. It's so hard to keep going when you don't even get rejected. It's like they really just don't care at all. I'll keep trying for a secretarial position, but at this rate...who knows when or if I'll get a job. It's so frustrating.

There's definitely an owl somewhere outside our window. I'm excited, because I haven't heard it the past couple nights, even though I was awake. It doesn't seem to like to come out if it's too hot outside. And tonight is supposed to begin the dramatic drop in temperature. It's supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow, after getting up to 97 again today! I'm so excited. I can't wait. I really wish it was already fall...

...except I totally don't because that will mean that I'll have to go to Florida. Oh god. Florida. My mom...

...and I'm that much closer to the JLPT on December 5th. *quivers in feet, as boots are in closet* I was studying today during the 20 minute spurts of walking I did. I ended up with a total of an hour and 40 minutes (go me!) because in my last bit, it was suddenly overcast. It's been nothing but SUNSHINE SUNSHINE SUNSHINE lately. It was so great to see the clouds again!! =D And even though it was still hot, it was easier to survive with the sun at least behind the shade of the clouds. I was doing my best to memorize the kanji. I've taken to try writing it in my mind when I'm doing the flashcards. It seems to stick better that way.

Anyway. I'm going to try to go to sleep. My Brian awaits. <3

studying, oregon, brian, cool things

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