Oct 17, 2007 14:16

Neville, I've finished the items for your bid, find beneath the cut six pictures (I apologise for their lack of realism... they didn't want to be realistic? It's the only excuse I have...) and, erm... I know the bid was Six Icons, Six Arts and Six drabbles but... the drabbles wanted to be seven. I hope that's alright.

Seven Drabbles

1. "Gryffindor!" the hat had shouted, and Neville sat stunned for a moment before making his way to his house table. How did that happen? He was just this side of being a squib - and he was sorted into the house for brave deeds? He didn't feel very brave, not with his knees shaking like they were. The welcome was warm, however - and a spot was made for him to sit down as the sorting continued. Glancing around, he tucked his toad, Trevor, into his pocket. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

2. The new teacher looked... like he was supposed to be famous. He had a huge shining grin, and was quite full of himself as well. Neville wondered if they'd learn anything good this year, whether he'd learn anything he could use when Malfoy's gang caught him alone in the hallways. It was obvious Harry didn't like him, and just as obvious that Malfoy liked that Harry didn't like him. But when the pixies grabbed him by the ears and hung him on the chandelier, Neville decided that he didn't like him either. Not at all.

3. Harry'd passed out on the train, and in the quidditch pitch during the game with Hufflepuff. Everyone was worried about Dementors apparently effecting Harry worse than others. Nobody noticed how quiet Neville had gotten, how close he kept to his housemates, or the fact he slept with the light on behind his curtains with Trevor on the pillow beside him, croaking softly in attempts to help him sleep. Nobody knew about his parents, then - but every time one of those Dementors came near, barely remembered screams of pain broke through the fog of modified memory.

4. If Neville hadn't liked his second year Defense instructor very much, he REALLY didn't like the one he had in fourth year. Something seemed off about him, and even as he studied the book on magical plants he'd been given, he couldn't help wincing with every turn of the page. Professor Moody weilded the cruciatus too easily... he felt like he was betraying his parents by accepting the book from him. Harry and the others seemed to like him well enough, however - so maybe he wasn't that bad after all. Maybe it was just him.

5. Everyone hated her, except perhaps some of the Slytherins (although, Neville suspected they were playing for favourites to keep out of her ire. They were known for self preservation, after all). They weren't learning anything, she was cruel - and they Weren't Learning Anything. Neville nearly collapsed with relief when Harry agreed to teach them what they needed to know. They learned what they needed to know... and managed to survive their first battle. A veteran at fifteen, some of them at fourteen, in a war that had been fought in only shadows until now.

6. It was his worst nightmare come true. Professor Snape... was in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Just when he thought he had escaped him, there he was, looming in front of the class. He thought that he was utterly doomed to never learn anything useful - but he did, the most useful things since third and fourth year - and he used them fighting in the hall near the Tower. His second battle against Death Eaters, and while there were some teachers and aurors there - Neville suddenly realised he could hold his own.

7. Leading an underground resistance at the school was possibly the greatest thing he'd ever done. Then the Final Battle came, and he fought for his life, and his friends... and carried in the bodies of far too many. When Harry tasked him to kill Nagini, he knew he had to carry it out. When the hat flamed on his head, he screwed his courage to the sticking place, and when he felt the heaviness of the sword hilt against his head, he knew he could fulfill the promise he'd made to his friend, lying dead on the ground.

Six Arts

I hope they meet with your approval.

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