LOG: 19 October 2007

Oct 19, 2007 10:51

WHO: Harry, Draco, Vi
WHAT: Erm... hehe, a bright pink ermine, bribing Vi, Very Serious Conversation (Re Draco and his Wife), some intimacy, and reference to something Sirius panicked at Harry about.
WHEN: Late this afternoon
WHERE: Harry's Flat
WHY: it just... happened? Totally unplanned. But hey, VSC has plot to it, so that's something.
WITH: cuts inside to avoid supra-intimate stuff. (bj's/rimming) -- if you don't care about the joking inbetween or at the end, feel free to stop reading at the first warning for a cut, you've got all the plot by then.
WARNING: FLUFFY! We suggest dental appointments in your near future *nod*

Harry walked in a bag of aniseed balls in his hand as he popped one into his mouth walking into his flat.

There was the sound of squealing laughter coming from Vi's room.

Harry dropped his books on the kitchen table before walking through to her room.

Vi was chasing an hyperactive Ermine through her room, who was barely dodging her (and bright pink) as he zipped around toys and furniture, leading the squealing giggling girl on a merry chase.

He watched with a chuckled, "Oh dear."

The ermine darted under the crib, Vi getting down on her hands and knees to crawl after him. He appeared again climbed UP the crib and perched on one corner, cleaning his paw and chittering, the black tipped tail hanging down for balance.

Harry chuckled bending down and picking him up in his arms.

Vi was still crawling around under the crib as Draco scuttled up onto his shoulder, chittering a bit before licking his cheek.

"Having fun?" He whispered to the ermine.

Draco licked his ear before climbing down and racing over to where his Daughter was under the crib, chittering at her. Then there was a loud squeak, and Vi reemerged, Draco held tightly between her hands.

He chuckled softly, "Hmmm tell me when you're ready for adult time ok?" He asked amused

The bright pink ermine looked at him pitifully and chittered, then squeaked again. If he were a cartoon creature, his eyes would have popped out how tight their daughter was cuddling him.

Harry chuckled and crouched down, "Can daddy have him please?"

Vi shook her head violently, curls dancing about her head and hugging her Mapa even tighter.

Harry looked around before feeling his pocket and pulling out a bag of aniseed balls, "Daddy will give you a sweet if you let him have mapa."

Vi looked from the bag of sweets, to her cuddly fuzzy mapa, back to the sweets, clearly unsure which was better.

"They're tasty..." He replied popping one into his own mouth happily.

Vi tried to keep hold on the, now once again struggling, ermine with one arm tucked tight around him, her other hand reaching for the sweet.

He pulled the bag away holding his hand out for the ermine.

"AHH!!!!" she made grabby hand.

"Mapa." He replied holding the bag away.

"AHHH AHHHHHHHH!!!!" she yelled.


with a soft laugh

Vi giggled and clapped her hands, "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" she replied, bouncing and losing her grip on Draco, who darted away and climbed up onto Harry's shoulder, curling under his collar and around his neck and NOT coming out. because, HE WAS BRIGHT PINK.

"AHHHHH!" He giggled back handing her the bag pressing a kiss on the top of her head.

Vi grabbed onto the bag tightly and reached up to try and drag Draco off his neck when he bent down.

He laughed standing up quickly and protecting Draco, before looking around and finding her unicorn and passing it to her.

Vi grinned and toddled off with her unicorn, making whinnying sounds.

He smiled watching her before peeling his pink four legged scarf from around his neck.

Draco chittered at him, looking like a very unhappy little fuzzy.

Harry smiled, "Turn back and I'll fix your hair." He murmured petting him.

He gave a humanish shake of his head and chittered again.

"Malfoy...Draco, turn back." He soothed scratching his fingers through his fur.

His eyes went half lid, and suddenly the taller wizard was there, with bright pink hair, and leaning his forehead down against Harry's shoulder. "It's pink," he whinged.

Harry nodded carding his fingers through his pink hair. "I know." He murmured "It'll go." He whispered smiling softly and leaning in for a shy kiss.

"It took me DAYS when she turned it bright red," he protested against his lips before kissing back.

"Well if you'd like we could hide away for a few days so it can turn back." He murmured against his lips amused.

"Your dogfather would murder me as we slept," he declared with a nod, dropping his head down against Harry's shoulder again.

Harry smiled toying with the nape of his neck "I doubt that." He whispered with a chuckle crunching the aniseed ball in his mouth.

"It's not cinnamon at all, you berk," Draco told his shirt, "its anise, isn't it?"

"I never said it was cinnamon." He murmured confused

"I thought it was cinnamon," Draco said, turning his head and kissing Harry's throat before standing and shaking his brightly pink hair out of his eyes. "I'm hungry."

"Come on then, I'll make you something." He replied his hand sliding down his arm and pulling him to the kitchen.

Draco glanced over his shoulder to their daughter playing before calling Niggle to look after her and closing the door. He followed, then, brazenly slipping his arms around Harry's waist from behind and kissing the back of his neck.

Harry chuckled walking with him his head falling forward his hands resting over his as they walked in. He moved pulling eggs out of the fridge as he leaned back against him, smiling as he worked before his hands faltered slightly.

Draco licked a swathe along the corded muscle then sucked on the skin gently with a small pleased sound.

"Draco..." He breathed softly with a shudder before cracking the eggs, the insides sliding into the bowl.

"Mmm?" he didn't stop.

"I thought you were hungry." He whispered giving a ragged breath his glasses steaming up as he reached up blindly for the salt and pepper.

"Mmhmm," he spread his hands across Harry's stomach.

Harry flushed brightly, his stomach jumping as he whisked and put the mixture into a pan throwing in a few spring onions and mixing in some tomatoes . "So you are..." He unconsciously leaned back worrying over his bottom lip. "You never said..." He murmured softly. "What does your wife feel about you living here... Are you sure she doesn't mind?"

He asked worriedly the eggs cooking

"Does it bother you that I'm married?" he asked.

Harry chuckled softly, "Course it does. I mean I know she knows and she's happy for you t do this and everything but it just feels...wrong this way."

He pulled away reluctantly, stealing a piece of tomatoe and moving to sit at the kitchen table. "My marriage with Celeste isn't what one might call... traditional."

Harry frowned as the cool air hit his back and he sighed pouring the egg into a plate and handing it to him before making some tea. "But you're still married."

"I'm in a contractual agreement with a woman who's become a very close friend to me, even if her idea of fun is making my life chinese-interesting," he replied. "I do love Celeste, and she loves me, and we love our son dearly... but we aren't in love with each other."

Harry frowned, "SO this won't hurt her?" He asked softly watching him eat.

Or, at least, push the eggs around his plate. "Come sit down with me, Harry."

Harry picked at the counter before walking over and sitting beside him, moving and cleaning his glasses.

"Tell me why this is bothering you so much," he said softly.

Harry sighed and took his hand, "It's just marriage...it's not supposed ot be about convenience I guess. And so doing things like this it sort of feels like because you're married I'm doing something wrong." He explained.

"It was an arranged marriage," Draco explained. "We met the night before we wed, and she made very clear to me that it was about getting an heir and she had no intention of falling in love with me." He chuckled, "Things changed a bit, we became friends, grew to love each other, and when we had Scorpius that grew - but we were never in love, and I don't think we ever could be. You, well, future or other you anyhow, helped me come to terms with that myself. The thing is, she's got lovers on the side, I've had lovers on the side - it's an open marriage, and we won't divorce because that would create an instability that we cannot afford to show. Many old families have alliances like this - one must provide an united front - but that doesn't mean we can't be with other people. Besides, she just owled me earlier today telling me I should stay here at least another week - she's having Cho and a few other friends over and doesn't want any 'male interruptions'." he chuckled.

"Oh..." He replied softly, "It doesn't really sound ideal...is putting up a front worth all that?"

"It isn't so bad, really. She's become one of my closest friends over the past few decades."

Harry frowned and nodded before getting up and making the tea silently in thought. "Alright." He decided as he poured in the milk.

"You should meet her."

"Will she want to?"

"Why wouldn't she?" he blinked.

He shrugged sofly handing him his tea and reaching up tucking a hair behind Drac's ear.

He took it, turning his face to plant a light kiss on Harry's hand. "If you don't want me to stay another week, I can go to one of the other houses," he offered.

"No! No...I like having you here, "I love having the both of you here. "I get to know Vi now and...I get to know you a little better." He whispered.

Draco smiled. "I fail to see a problem, then."

Harry smiled back watching him, "Do you mind if I kiss you again?" He asked watching him happily.

"Harry," Draco leaned in. "You never need to ask to kiss me."

"Still trying to find my feet" He whispered as he took a coveted kiss. .

Draco's hand brushed against his cheek as he returned the kiss, then whispered against his lips: "You never have to ask permission to do anything with myself."

Harry smiled softly, "Good..." he whispered clasping his hand as he deepened it, his hand coming up and cupping his jaw "Because I rather like it."

The brightly pink hair'd man could only whimper as Harry took control of the kiss.

Harry flushed taking control his other hand coming to tangle in Draco's hair as he stood leaning over him as they kissed.

Draco's hand slipped into Harry's hair, all thought of his insanely coloured going out the window as his heart thundered whilst they kissed.

Harry sighed into the kiss cupping the back of his neck as he spread the anissed flavour across Draco's mouth.

Breathing became difficult when all Draco wanted to do was drown in his taste, in the feel of his hands on his skin and in his hair.

Harry pulled away and rested his forehead against Draco's pulling him up to his feet.

He went easily, one hand still tangled in dark locks, the other resting on his hip.

Harry flushed moving his hands and resting them on Draco's stomach

He nodded, brushing his lips against Harry's temple.

Harry smiled his fingers ghosting over heated skin

"Should we move to the bedroom?" Draco murmured into his hair, leaning into the touch.

Harry flushed softly, "Alright." He whispered leading him.

Draco followed, and once the door was shut put a light silencing ward up, they could hear Vi getting into anything, but she couldn't hear what they got up to, such as the groan that left his throat as he started kissing Harry again.

Harry flushed pushing him down onto the bed and pushing up across his chest

His head fell back as he gasped, pressing up against him, feeling the weight pushing him down into the duvet.

He flushed stradling him, hiking his sweater up to kiss across his skin experimentally

Draco scrambled to pull it off, shifting beneath him with hitched breaths.

Harry flushed hiss kisses turning hot and wet as he mapped over his skin.

He tangled pale fingers into Harry's dark hair, unable to stop the small sounds of response as Harry hit one sensitive place or another.

Harry smiled softly, "You're so noisy." He whispeed with a smile hovering over a particularly sensitive spot.

"Ahh.... " Draco breathed. "I'll shut up if... if you don't stop I'll do anything you tell me," he murmured, feeling hazed with lust and something else.

"No I like it, it means I know when you're having a good time."

"How could I not be?" he whispered, looking down at him, "and why's your shirt still on?"

Harry flushed, "Umm." He replied sitting up shyly before fumbling with his buttons as he undid his shirt.

Draco half sat up and moved to help him, slipping the buttons through the tiny holes and trailing his fingers over his chest.

Harry shivered watching his hands, soft full lips parted as his skin burned under his touch.

He leaned up, fingers brushing over Harry's shoulders and down his arms as he slid the shirt off, his mouth moving across his chest in slow lingering kisses.

Harry shivered his head resting on the bright pink one as he ran his hands down Draco's bare back , kicking off his shoes as he tumbled with him on the bed.

Draco fell with him, hands exploring but staying above the belt, not wanting to frighten Harry off, not now, not ever. His lips lingered over his heart before moving to capture one nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking and blowing against it until it hardened and nipping, sucking at it some more as his hand skittered across his stomach.

Harry took in a hard breath, his voice caught in his throat as his fingers curled tightly into Draco's hair, he arched on the bed, "Oh merlin." He whispered the sensation overwhelming as he ground against his slacks.

He moved to the other side, his hand slipping up to play with the short hairs at the nape of Harry's neck, trailing down over his throat, across his collarbone as his lips expertly moved against his skin.

Harry moved with him arching his neck slowly moving and pulling at himself awkwardy as he leaned into him achingly

Draco's kisses travelled up to his neck, then his mouth again as he lay back, pulling Harry with him, clean chest against scarred chest, drowning in him all over again with quiet whimpering moans.

Harry could feel him, his fingers moivng across his scars as he explored, his fingers moving over healed skin. "May I?" He whispered his hand ghosting down to his stomach.

"Didn't I... tell you you never had to ask?" Draco replied, his own stomach now jumping at touch.

"Yes but this..." He trailed off flushing as he found Draco's buttons undoing his slacks.

((ooc: to skip BJ, click here))

Draco lifted his hips so Harry could pull them down, he wasn't wearing pants that day and couldn't help the gasp as air touched his erection.

Harry moved down pulling them off his legs, before blushing brightly looking at hi, his fingers ghosting forward and touching him gently

Draco bit into his lips, forcing himself to stay still.

Harry looked up at him holding him gently and stroking softly.

He watched Harry, unashamed, his breath short and staggered as he kept himself from thrusting into that warm hand. the touch was electric.

Harry's eyes flicked over at him before he dropped his head his hand running over his chest. He moved his head down kissing around him shyly moving from his stomach and the supple skin of his thighs.

Draco whimpered, hands curling into the duvet, twisting it in his fists.

Harry dropped his head taking him into his mouth, his fingers running over his inner thighs.

It was taking all of Draco's self control not to snap his hips upward, none was left over to hush the soft keen that left his throat.

Harry groaned, mouth tightening around him as he bobbed gently.


Harry lapped at the head, rubbing Draco's chest, enticing his voice as he closed up around him.

"Oh... god Ha... Harry..."Draco couldn't help writhing, it felt so good. He wondered if he'd done this before.

Harry smiled around him. groaning around him, vibrating softly.

Was his stamina gone, or was he just so desperate for something he'd wanted for so long? Merlin only knew, as Draco cried out in warning. "Harry... Gonna.... "

Harry stroked his base his mouth tight over the top, sucking hard, his cheeks hollowing slightly as he did so

"Close..." he strained, trying to hold back, give Harry enough time to stop if he didn't want a mouthful of spunk.

Harry stroked him mercilessly his mouth tight, unrelenting.

"Ahh!" he couldn't hold back any longer, hips snapping up as he cried out, so loud compared to his usual silence, completely out of control.

Harry startled in surprise as his hips bucked up before his mouth was filled with his release holding onto him tightly.

Draco's head pressed into the pillow, muscles in his neck straining before he collapsed, panting.

Harry sat up his mouth tightly closed a hand over it as he looked at him in surprise.

"I won't be offended if you spit it out," Draco replied with a soft smile, leaning up on his elbows, panting. "I did... I tried to warn you."

He furrowed his brow before swallowing it thoughfully.

Draco pulled him into a kiss, his tongue stealing his flavour from Harry's mouth as he kissed him.

Harry yelped before laughing kissing him happily his tongue lapping the inside of Draco's mouth.

Draco slowly rolled them over, his hand grasping at Harry's waist in question as they continued kissing.

HArry whimpered happily arching up to him wanting.

Draco had no difficulty undoing his flies, and began kissing down his chest as he pulled off the rest of Harry's clothing.

Harry smiled stretched out his hands tangled in his pink hair.

((ooc: to skip BJ&Rimming, click here))

Draco decided to take things up another level, kissing along his inner thigh and pushing up one of Harry's knees, licking at his perineum, his tongue darting toward his hole.

His eyes widened and he looked down at him in surprise panting as he watched him.

Draco groaned, shifting Harry a bit more, his tongue lapping at his entrance, dipping slightly inside before swiping across it again and his lips gently mouthing it before he made his way, his tongue playing along his sacs before he took Harry's erection in his mouth with a hungry groan, swallowing around it hungrily.

Harry arched his fingers caught tight in his hair, his knee pushed up as he whimpered whispering his name.

Draco groaned, not pressing his hands to Harry's hips as he encouraged him to use him, his head bobbing over the shaft as lips and tongue took him expertly.

Harry sighed happily his hips moving slowly as he thrust lightly into him

The man currently with his head buried in his lap took immense pleasure in giving him pleasure, groaning low and wantonly.

Harry's eyes rolled back a little as he whimpered his voice hitching as it began to grow urgent pulling at his head as he thrusts grew wilder.

Draco swallowed around the thick shaft.

Harry groaned before crying out his body tense as he shuddered before releasing helplessly into his mouth

Draco drank him down greedily, not stopping, eager for every drop.

Harry panted helpless as he coasted down to earth

Draco continued to suckle contentedly before letting him go, licking his way up his body again.

Harry smiled waiting before sighing contentedly when he reached his mouth, moaning in approval.

Draco lay along him, feeling their skin meet from head to toe as he kissed him slowly. "Harry?" he asked.

"Hmmm?" He whispered in between kisses

"I guess you don't mind so much, having Malfoy germs on your bits," he teased with a grin.

Harry giggled in reply. "Daft sod." He teased happily cuddling him close before pulling him under the covers his laughter ringing in the air.


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