LOG: 17 October 2007

Oct 16, 2007 17:39

WHO: Harry and Draco (with voice by Violetta)
WHAT: Waking up... and a bit of *gasp* a snog!!!
WHEN: Prolly around 6AM-ish
WHY: It's all Azi's Sirius' Fault.

Harry had taken Violetta to her crib that night, the ermine refusing to move from around his neck so as a result both he and the creature had curled up together under the covers in Harry's bed. Which brought them into this situation as Harry's eyes opened sleepily to see a mass of fine blond hair.

Apparently the complete feeling of safety seeped so deeply into Malfoy during the night, he'd changed back to himself, and was now asleep, cuddled against Harry peacefully.

Harry blinked blearily and reached back for his glasses and slipped them on looking at the man whose arms now encased him. He stared at the serene look on Malfoy's face, and the soft curl of mussed hair stroking his brow

The movement woke him, not completely, and two sleepy grey eyes opened on Harry.

Harry blinked as the eyes opened and he caught his breath in his throat, caught in his gaze, transfixed and in a rather compromising position.

"Mmm..." Draco gave a sleepy smile and snuggled in a little before his brain woke up a bit more and he froze still, holding his breath. He was snuggled up, legs tangled and everything, with Harry. Thank every god imaginable he always shifted with his clothes. Now his brain was fighting with itself whether to change and flee, change and snuggle in more, or not change and flee... or just die before Harry kicked him out screaming bloody murder.

The snuggle surprised Harry and he blinked before smiling a little and shyly nuzzling into him, nestling under the covers as he arms tightened. "Ummm...hi." He whispered stuttering gently, his cheeks flushed

Draco relaxed slightly. "...'Morning..." he whispered.

His eyes were locked on Draco's and he chewed his lip watching him, "You're back," he whispered his hands splayed across his back. His cheeks brightened as his chest thundered loudly.

"Apparently," he whispered, making no move to get away.

Harry watched him quietly not daring to turn away just in case he turned back. He stared at him the sunlight illuminating his hair as they lay, their faces a hairs breadth apart. "Good." He whispered softly his breath ghosting over Draco's skin.

His eyes closed slightly at the feel, still watching Harry carefully.

Harry watched him calming a little his fingers tracing over his back, his legs locked with Draco's not moving away, in fact drawing closer as he settled into the pillow his nose brushing the blonde's. He smiled shifting on the bed before his eyes widened a bit and he shifted a bit shyly moving his hips to hide his morning problem and stilling once he'd found a comfortable position. "Sorry." He murmured his eyes dropping to Draco's mouth, running over the contours of his face.

"Don't..." he whispered, "don't make me leave yet... please."

"I don't want you to." He whispered softly. "This...it's nice." He breathed "I don't want you to go."

Draco smiled a soft, sleepy smile. "I don't want to go," he whispered, his breath caressing Harry's lips.

Harry stared at them, the way they moved, so soft, so shapely, so enticing, "Then don't." The breath drawing him in as his lips pressed softly against his.

Draco kissed him back gently, making no move to take things further than Harry'd offered. It was every bit as intoxicating as he remembered, no - moreso, because this Harry was his Harry, the Harry he grew up with, one from his own timeline... one he had a chance with. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes slipped shut.

Harry closed his eyes his hand moving up and tangling in Draco's hair as he gently deepened it pulling him close. Draco went willingly, oh so very willingly, his lips parting in invitation as he was gathered closer against the other wizard, and the eighteen year old moaned, a soft noise on the back of his throat, as his tongue brushed along Draco's, muscle dancing along muscle.

How the hell Harry tasted like cinnamon first thing in the morning was beyond him, but Draco's tongue searched his mouth for every possible reason for that taste, gliding along his teeth and tongue hungrily as he swallowed Harry's moan, his hand coming up to take away the glasses biting into his cheek.

Harry tangled his fingers in the strands as he pulled him in tightly, Draco's hunger overwhelming him as he complied trying to bury into him, to swallow him whole with this kiss.

It was uncertain when it happened, but Draco began submitting to Harry's kiss, letting him dominate as the glasses dropped off the edge of the bed and his own hands tangled in Harry's hair as he pressed flush up against him. Harry whimpered half lying on him his fingers curling in tight, breaking the kiss only to start it again, never able to leave his mouth for a few milliseconds.

Soft whimpering sounds left his throat in the bare moments he caught air. Draco tangled his legs with Harry's as though to keep him anchored close, one hand splaying on the small of his back as he drowned in the kiss.

Harry supported himself on his arms, pulling at his hair gently as they lay under the covers before he slowly panted to a finish, his mouth kissing the corner of his mouth and moving down to his neck. Draco's name left his lips shyly as he ran his fingers down his alabaster cheek.

Draco let out a shuddering breath, the only word he was capable of speaking was... "Wow..." barely a whisper into Harry's hair.

Harry flushed brightly and smiled his eyes flicking over to him. Caught in his. "Don't turn back." He murmured with a soft murmur biting at his lower lip.

His tongue darted out to soothe the light bite before he leaned up and kissed him again, soft and slow. "What do you mean... turn back?" he asked softly, resting his head back against the pillow, watching Harry.

Harry smiled, "into a ferret, this...." He kissed him back longingly his hands running down Draco's chest as Draco lay back. "This is better."

"If I knew... mmm... If.. yeah... it's better," he closed his eyes and breathed, then looked at him with a small frown. "I'm not a ferret."

Harry blinked. "I Know, you're human right now," he whispered, kissing the frown.

"No, I'm not a ferret. I'm an ermine, it's different," he pouted.

"Oh...sorry." He murmured running a thumb over his pout.

Draco caught the tip of his thumb in his teeth in acceptance of the apology.

Harry shivered leaning in and kissing under his chin as his thumb was occupied.

Draco's head tilted back with a soft gasp, giving him room. Oh he absolutely did NOT want to wake up.

Harry moved his thumb when the gasp released him kissing down his neck shyly his hand finding Draco's the fingers intertwining.

He brought their clasped hands up against his cheek, nuzzling the back of Harry's even as his breath caught again at the feel of Harry's lips traveling his throat.

Harry moved down shyly pressing soft wet kisses over his adam's apple, before looking up to make sure he was alright.

Grey eyes watched him, giving him any permission he could possibly need, Draco's free hand coming up to play in Harry's hair.

Harry flushed, and taking the encouragement moved down to his collar.

He whispered his name softly, pale fingers tangled in dark hair.

Harry smiled softly moving across every exposed piece of skin, moving up behind the shell of his ear.

He groaned and tilted his head, going utterly boneless beneath him.

He blinked in surprise and did it again laying on him as he concentrated on it.

Draco whimpered, breath caught.

He smiled his hand resting on his chest splayed out as he moved beside him moving him onto his side as he kissed down to the back of his neck.

"Harry..." he whispered longingly.

"Hmmm?" He whispered tucked up behind him, softly mauling the back of his neck, hi hand splayed across his chest.

"Nn.... don't stop...."

Harry smiled, "Really?" He whispered his fingers drumming on his chest as he moved to his ear again.

"Uhhuh..." he said, all capacity for speech rendered impossible.

Harry laughed softly, gaining a little confidence as he toyed with him.

Draco. Was absolutely. Putty. In his hands.

Harry smiled pleased before coming to a stop and lying back on the bed with a sigh looking up at the ceiling, his hand still clasped with Draco's.

His heart finally settling down enough that he could breathe again, Draco turned onto his side and lay one arm over Harry, using his shoulder for a pillow.

Harry looked down at the taller man and smiled running his fingers through his hair.

"You're very good for cuddling," Draco observed quietly.

"Hmmm?" He asked confused.

"You are."

"Does that mean I'm chubby and there's a lot to hold onto?" he asked, chuckling.

"No, it means you're good for cuddling," he said and poked his stomach.

Harry's stomach jumped again and he chuckled, "Why do you like poking it?"

"Makes it jump."

"So?" He asked bemused, "That's why you licked it as well, isn't it?"

"Erhm...." Draco poked it again.

Harry giggled batting his hand

Draco rested his hand on his stomach, warm. "It's difficult to explain animal thought process."

Harry watched him and flushed softly at the searing heat that emanated from Draco's hand.

"I don't know about other people... but mine generally consists of things like 'snuggle, cuddle, safe,' and 'affection'." He shrugged and tipped his head up to kiss the underside of Harry's chin. "The jumping stomach was just icing." he teased.

Harry flushed happily. "Why...why do you feel safe with me?"

"Is there a reason I shouldn't?" he asked, his tone low.

"No." He whispered, "I'm just curious why you didn't find someone else?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking."

"Well you trusted me...you didn't hide off with your family you agreed to come with me here."

"I couldn't go off to my family and lead whomever it was to them," he reasoned.

"I suppose." He whispered with a smile.

"And you're someone I know I can trust. I haven't forgotten what you did for me, in the Trials," he said softly.

Harry sighed, "I just told the truth." He murmured

"Which was more than I'd expected you to do," he said softly. "You didn't make the convenient lie, though - which means I can trust you."

Harry nodded, "Good." He murmured softly, "Because I would not have liked to miss this."

"If I'd known this was possible, things may have been very different," Draco muttered to himself out of Harry's hearing. He nuzzled his shoulder. "I'm going back to sleep now," he told him instead.

Harry smiled softly wrapping his arms around him loosely, "Alright." He whispered.

"Hmmm..." Draco sighed happily, and closed his eyes with a quiet yawn.

Harry smiled softly stealing a last kiss as he watched him.

Just then, Violetta woke up and decided to make a loud declaration to the fact. Draco dropped against him with a groan then pushed himself up to go take care of the now awake littleone.

"I can do it if you like." Murmured Harry from where he lay.

"It's okay," he said with a sigh, standing and stretching, popping a few vertebrae as he did so, "it's part of being a parent."

Harry watched him stretch, "I'm one now, too." He pointed out.

"I'm usually up at five," he pointed out. "We're guests here, I'll take care of her - I haven't held her in a bit anyhow," he said, moving to leave the room.

Harry looked at him, "Don't...don't consider yourselves guests." He murmured

"What was that?" Draco asked, pausing at the door and looking back. "Did you say something?"

He watched him, "You're not guests...you're the...other father of our daughter...you'd never just be guests."

Draco smiled brilliantly. He made to answer when Violetta let out a particularly piercing wail and the smile turned apologetic as he disappeared from the doorway to go take care of her.

Harry sighed falling back on the bed looking at the ceiling his fingers ghosting over his kiss bruised lips.


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