Until It's Gone Chapter 4

Jul 06, 2012 21:24

Rated: T
Pairing: Soundwave/Starscream
Disclaimer: Hasbro still refuses to give them up.
Summary: You don't know what you have until its gone. Its a hard lesson to learn, and a painful one

The Decepticons were silent as they trudged into the throne room. The recent raid had not gone well. Soundwave, for the first time in vorns, had miscalculated. It was a minor mistake, but it did allow the Autobots time to make sure that Astrotrain couldn't take off with his load of energon cubes. Megatron hadn't said a word, but they all knew that wouldn't last. Sooner or later, Megatron was going to snap. Whirling around to face his CO, the Decepticon warlord snarled,

"Soundwave, you incompetent fool!" The tapedeck did his best to hide his flinch. "Your blatant disregard for my orders has cost us the raid! We have lost an entire shipment of energon thanks to your idiocy!" Soundwave barely had time to brace himself before a powerful fist impacted his face, crushing one side of his mask and knocking him to the ground.

"Apologies, Lord Megatron. The error: will not happen again." The sapphire mech did not dare to move from his place sprawled on the floor. Not until the warlord gave him the command. Megatron snarled at the submissive position, losing interest in the mech because he would not fight back.

"See that it doesn't." The silver mech stormed from the room. Cautiously, mechs began to move, having frozen when their leader turned on his favorite solider. Terror ran rampant through the crew as mechs wondered who would be the next unfortunate soul to cross Megatron's path. In the short time since the Elite Trine had fled, the Decepticons had begun to realize that perhaps their leader was not as stable as he had seemed. Without someone to constantly draw his ire, the rage had no focus and would rain down on anyone available. Soundwave feared the day that he would be given the position of Second-in-Command. It was bound to happen soon, and he had no desire to be the next Starscream. He had never wanted the job, preferring to work in the shadows. Now, with the thought that he would have to endure the same kind of torment the Seeker seemed to bring down on himself, he wanted it even less. He remembered thinking that Starscream was a coward who was quick to beg for mercy, but in truth the communications officer knew that the Seeker had been incredibly brave. The Autobot flyer and his brothers had sacrificed much for a cause that they did not believe in. Soundwave had failed to see that. Until now, that is.

"Soundwave?" Ratbat's voice was soft. He could sense the terror and confusion that was normal for his creations nowadays. Looking around, he realized that he was alone in the throne room, the others having taken off as soon as it was safe. Holding out his arms, he allowed the little flyer to leap into them and cling to his chassis. Ratbat trembled against him, keeping a wary optic open in case Megatron decided to return. The cassettes were going to great lengths to avoid their leader. Unlike Soundwave, they wouldn't survive if Megatron turned his anger on them. "Can we go see Starscream? He looked happy in the video, and he likes you. He won't let the Autobots hurt you like Megatron does." Soundwave stared in surprise at his creation.

"Negative. Starscream: the enemy."

"No he's not. He was nice to me when he was here. He would give me energon goodies. I like 'Warp and Thunder too. Please, Creator, can we go? I don't like Megatron anymore. I don't think that anyone does."


"I like sitting in the rafters in the Rec Room. No one can see me there, not even Lazerbeak. I hear them talk. They say that Megatron isn't the same. He doesn't want to fix Cybertron anymore; he just wants to kill Optimus Prime and Starscream. They are hungry and tired and sick of fighting." Soundwave had heard whispers of this in the thoughts of his fellow Decepticons. He didn't actively look, as then he would have to report it, but he knew how disgruntled his comrades were. Still, he and they had sworn loyalty. Besides, there was likely too many years of fighting and bitter memories between the two factions for them to ever defect. He didn't say any of this to his creation, he simply held him tighter. Mentally summoning his other creations, he began the trek to his quarters. He was half way their when Megatron's voice rang from the intercom.

"We will be leaving for a plant in Arkansas is one cycle. Be ready." The or else was implied. Soundwave hurried to his quarters, not wanting to leave his creations alone any longer.


The battle was more vicious that usual, with no sign of letting up. Megatron, it seemed, was determined to bring his former Elite Trine down. Fortunately, the Coneheads were no match for their former commanders, or the newly trained Aerialbots. So the Autobot Seekers were mostly hassling the gestalts (and there was Superion - apparently they were tired of playing games) and covering the ground troops.

Soundwave surveyed the fight from atop the hill, half heartedly searching for a way to turn the battle to the Decepticons' favor. He kept his cassettes close, not willing to risk them. He knew they could handle themselves, and the that both sets of twins were chafing under the restraint, but with Megatron treating everyone as if they were Starscream he didn't want them drawing any attention to themselves. Ravage and Ratbat, at least, seemed content to stand guard over their Creator. That was one thing he didn't have to worry about.

A stray shot in his direction caught Soundwave off guard. He managed to dodge, but it singed his plating. Distracted, he failed to notice the wild fusion blast until it struck him in the chassis. He tumbled backwards, sliding down the hill until he abruptly slammed into the ground. The fiery pain ripped through him momentarily until he was claimed by unconsciousness. Megatron had been so wrapped up with trying to kill the Prime that he didn't even notice that he had shot is favorite soldier.

Starscream watched the battle, bored. They had grounded the Coneheads ages ago, and the ground troops were holding their own. The Autobots had the Decepticons beat, and they knew it. Stubborn refusal and fear of Megatron's wrath were the only things keeping them from fleeing. There was nothing for his troops to do. Devastator had separated so that Hook and Scrapper could tend to the wounded. Menasor was down and temporarily out thanks to a beautiful shot from Silverbolt. The Seekers could see the Stunticons regrouping for another go, but they knew their protégés could handle it. Silverbolt still didn't like heights but his confidence had grown in leaps and bounds under the trine's guidance. And that was saying nothing of the others. Defensor had Bruticus completely distracted.

"Kind of amusing how determined the old rust heap is huh? He really wants us dead," Skywarp's cheeky voice came over the comm. Starscream smiled.

"Indeed. If he continues at this pace he won't have an army left. They are starving and exhausted, and some of them seem to have gained a multitude of dents since our departure." He could feel the other Seeker wince over their bond.

"Yeah. Ya know, I kinda feel bad for the slaggers. I mean, they are the enemy, but some of 'em aren't so bad."

"They made their choice 'Warp," Thundercracker's voice broke in. "And most of them are too prideful to admit that the Decepticon Cause is no longer what is once was."

"I know." Skywarp almost sounded sad. Starscream could sympathize. He may not have had friends as his brother did, but there was someone that he desperately wished would defect. He quickly shook himself out of those thoughts. It would never happen. He had to let it go.

"Starscream!" A shrill voice shrieked. "StarscreamStarscreamStarscream!" Caught slightly off guard, the three seekers pointed their weapons at the incoming flier. The small mech ignored the danger, coming to a halt in front of the Air Commander. "Please help!" Ratbat cried. "Megatron shot Creator! Well, he didn't see him I don't think but he shot him in the chassis and Hook can't get to him and I know you love him and he's going to die and we don't know what to do! Please, don't let my Creator die!" Tears streamed from the youngling's optics as he babbled, begging for help. His words degenerated into a sparkling's helpless clicking. Stunned, Starscream took a moment to process the words. He felt his spark drop and felt his wingmates' horrified gaze as they asked what they should do. Keeping his voice as gentle as he could, the Commander asked,

"Where is he, Ratbat?" Ratbat said nothing, he simply took off. Starscream followed.

"Thundercracker, get Ratchet and send him to me. Skywarp, get the Aerialbots into formation Zeta and cover the western ridge. Blitzwing's on approach. Looks like he's going to team up with Menasor."

"Yes, sir!"

"Right away, Star." It didn't take long to find the fallen mech. Soundwave lay sprawled out on the ground with his creations desperately trying to stem the energon flow. As he got closer he could see how badly off the Communications Officer was.

The shot had caught him mid-chassi, just below his spark. The glass had shattered, and pieces and imbedded in the molten metal surrounding the gaping wound. His leg struts were twisted at a weird angle, and he would bet that there was some cranial damage. He couldn't see too much more; energon was everywhere, coving the other damage. The cassettes were lucky they hadn't been inside their Creator. They wouldn't have survived the blast.

Starscream touched down and immediately made his way over to the tapedeck. Ravage hissed, and moved to block the Seeker. Star held up his hands.

Peace Ravage. I am here to help." The cassette shot him a suspicious glare, but with Soundwave bleeding out he had no choice but to move and let the former Decepticon work.

Starscream wasted no time. He wasn't a medic but he was trained extensively in first aid. He had needed it as an intergalactic scientist, and more so as a Decepticon. Sending a databurst to TC to let Ratchet know their location, the Seeker sought out all of the torn energon lines and began to seal them off. Energon slicked his hands, but he ignored it. Once the major lines were clamped he began to catalogue the damage. Wincing, the Autobot tried his best to keep his face blank. He didn't need the sapphire mech's creations knowing how badly off their Creator was. Star had suffered an injury similar to this at Megatron's hands once. He had only survived because Skywarp had hooked himself into his brother's systems and set up a transfusion that kept Starscream alive until the Constructicons arrived. Not thinking twice about it, Starscream sliced open a radial line and re-opened one of Soundwave's. Ignoring the pain, he slid the lip of his line over the unconscious 'Con's, creating an imperfect seal. Energon spurted from the lines, but Star paid it no mind. He set his systems to pump energon away from his core, through his arm, into the broken line and finally into Soundwave. Shortly after that, Ratchet and Thundercracker arrived.

fic: until it's gone

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