Constructicon Creators Chapter 6

May 18, 2012 22:55

Rated: M
Pairing: Grapplex??, mentions of ConstructiconsxOmega
Disclaimer: Hasbro still refuses to give them up.
Summary: Grapple's horrible day takes a turn for the strange when he's abducted from a battlefield by his creators, who are determined to find him a "real" mech.

AN: This chapter contains graphic interface. Please do not read if this bothers you

Grapple sighed as another training drone lunged for him. He had been in the training room for less than a breem and he was already bored. Sparring wasn't fun without Blitzwing, but his Creators insisted that he practice. One never knew when a random Con would attack, either over a grudge or from boredom. Normally he would have asked his partner to come with him, but Blitzwing was on duty. Scrapper and his other Creators were working on a project for Lord Megatron, so he was alone.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little lost crane, all on his lonesome." Surprised, Grapple turned to face the intruder. Deathshock. A rotary type mech who seemed to have a problem with Grapple's very existence. The crane was instantly wary. He noticed that he much larger mech was blocking the door, cutting off any chance of escape. Fraggit.

"Can I help you?" Grapple mere sure to keep his tone level and non-threatening.

"Ya just might be able to little mech. See, yer Creators and I go way back, and I thought I would thank them for their work during the Polyhex Invasion." The ugly expression he wore said that whatever had happened wasn't a good thing.

"Then perhaps you should speak to my Creators."

"Nah, I think they'll get the message just fine." Deathshock charged. Grapple threw himself to the side, narrowly missing the extended talons. Snarling, the black mech followed him, intending to crush the smaller mech quickly. Grapple, however, was used to sparring with Blitzwing and Bonecrusher. He knew to keep out of the way. Dancing out of reach, he thought furiously. Rotor blades were notoriously sensitive. If he could damage them he could buy time to maneuver to a position where he could disable his opponent. Grimly, he braced himself for the fight. He hoped he would come out of it alive.

Scavenger giggled quietly. The drama before him was the best entertainment he'd had all groon! A breem ago, Blitzwing had come into the medbay with a fractured forearm. Apparently, a section of the lower deck had begun to corrode, causing the wall to fail. It was Blitz's bad luck to have been in that particular storage room at the time. He'd gotten out mostly unharmed, and Scrapper had taken the rest of the team to begin damage control. Scavvy had stayed with Hook to help keep the medbay under control. So now, here he was, watching the medic and triplechanger engage in a competition to make each other uncomfortable. Scavenger had to give Blitzwing credit; not many mechs could look blasé with Hook's 'I'm seriously considering dismembering you' glare trained on them. Blitzwing not only looked like he didn't care, he looked bored. Brave, for a mech whose life was literally in the hands of an overprotective creator.

In truth, Blitz was working very hard to remain stoic and relaxed. He knew pissing off Hook was dangerous, but he'd be slagged before he showed any sign of weakness. He would not be frightened off so easily. If the was a test then he was fragging well going to pass.

Hook was both irritated and pleased. The triplechanger wasn't backing down. The slagger actually had the audacity to yawn.

"So," Hook began, "things are going well with Grapple?" the medic's pleasant smile screamed danger.

"Very," Blitzwing replied, tone neutral.

"Oh? Any plans for the future?"

"We are going to see the Oregon Symphony tonight." Blitz knew that wasn't what Hook was asking.

"I was unaware that you like classical music."

"I don't. Grapple does."

"Good answer. Have you 'faced yet?" The larger mech was taken off guard by the blunt question. Astrotrain's loud entrance kept him from answering it.

"Blitzy! Your mech is fighting Deathshock! They're in the training room. It looks pretty serious." Hook, distracted though he was talking (read: panicking) to his mates over their bond, noted the glee in Astrotrain's voice and made a mental note to make the trainformer's next tune up exceedingly unpleasant.

Blitzwing stood, paying no attention to his fractured arm. He rushed out into the hall, followed closely by Hook and Scavenger. It took no time to reach the training room. The rest of the Constructions had already arrived and joined the throng of watchers. Even Megatron and Starscream were there, watching with appraising optics. Blitz could do nothing but stand there and watch his mech fight for his life. Interfering would brand Grapple as weak and unworthy.

Grapple was getting fed up. Deathshock was stronger, but he relied on brute strength over strategy. Grapple was faster but he did not have his opponent's endurance. He needed a plan, now.

"Remember Grapple, there are always going to be mechs bigger, stronger, or faster than you," Blitzwing's voice drifted through his processor. "The trick is to use their momentum against them. Most mechs will commit enough force to their attacks that when you redirect them they can't immediately compensate for the change." His partner had demonstrated that by having the smaller mech lunge at him, easily redirecting his attack elsewhere. Grapple smirked. He would have to thank Blitzwing for that particular lesson.

This time when Deathshock attacked Grapple stepped in to meet the attack, slamming one hand into the rotary's shoulder and the other into his elbow joint, effectively stopping the attack. Moving swiftly he trapped the arm against him and elbowed the larger mech in the face. Dropping the stunned frame, he aimed a kick at the rotor hub, not caring that he was hitting a downed mech. If he didn't make a good impression now others would come after him. The sickening sound of the hub snapping brought him no joy, but he had to admit to the satisfaction that came with knowing no one would attack him again after this. Looking disdainfully at the prone form, he said,

"In the future, if you have an issue with my Creators please take it up with them." Calmly he turned and moved through the crowd of mechs, stopping only when he realized that Lord Megatron stood in front of him. The silver warlord looked at him for a moment before saying,

"Well done," and beckoning to the command staff to follow him. Grapple left the training room followed by Blitzwing and the Constructicons. He kept his head held high as he travelled through the halls to his family's quarters. His Creators had split off, heading back to the medbay and repair site, leaving him alone with his partner. It was only once he was safely in the room and away from prying optics did he let himself collapse.

Blitzwing held mate's trembling form tightly, ignoring the pain in his arm. Grapple has performed brilliantly. Despite that, he was not, and never would be, a warrior. The past few breems were catching up with him, now that there was no one around to see him break. His frame trembled as the fear and exhaustion caught up with him. He didn't protest as Blitzwing guided him to his room.

They didn't speak, simply settled down on his berth, Grapple's back pressed tightly against Blitzwing's front. They stayed like that for a long while, with Grapple soaking in the heat and comfort that his partner offered. Eventually the tremors slowed, and then stopped altogether. It was then that Grapple noticed the energon that was sluggishly leaking from Blitz's injured arm.

"Blitzwing! Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

"Huh?" The triplechanger jerked out of his light doze, "oh, that. No worries. It's not bothering me." Grapple wiggled out of his partner's hold, tugging gently on his good arm.

"Come. There is no reason you should suffer for me." Frowning, the triplechanger snagged his partner around the waist, turning him so that they were face to face.

"None of that. You are important to me, Grapple, and I will not see you depreciate yourself." Grapple's optics widened. He knew, logically, that he was loved. His Creator's expressed it all the time, in a variety of ways. He knew Blitzwing cared. He often put up with Grapple's architectural babble, and went out of his way to make his feel wanted. But no one, not even Hoist, had put it in such simple terms. He was important. Truthfully, he had never felt important. There were always others - Hoist, his Creators - who were so much more skilled than he was. "Listen to me very carefully Grapple: you are exactly what I have always wanted in a partner. You are skilled, caring, and beautiful. I know that you might not see it, but trust me. You are perfect, and I never want you to value yourself less than others. I will not stand for it. Understand?" Grapple nodded.


"Good." The larger mech looked a little uncomfortable, like he hadn't meant to confess all that. He wouldn't take it back though. It was all true. Decepticons didn't do "love". And the ones who did were careful never to speak of it. Blitzwing had never felt love before, not even from his own Creators, so he didn't know if that was what he felt for his partner, but he thought it might be.

Grapple guided Blitzwing to the wash racks, searching for the emergency repair kit. It didn't take long to patch up the busted strut, although he would insist that Blitzwing see Hook to make sure that the repairs would take. For the moment, however, neither mech wanted to venture out into the Nemesis. Instead they returned to Grapple's quarters.

Blitzwing pulled the smaller mech up onto the berth, content to let the crane rest in his arms. Now that the fear of watching his lover fight for his life had faded Blitzwing was able to look back on the fight and admire how beautiful his lover's form had looked while engaged in combat. Thinking of how sinuous his frame had looked as he twisted and dodged and struck sent a bolt of arousal racing through him. Cupping Grapple's chin, he turned the Construction's face until he could capture his lips in a fierce kiss.

Grapple was more than happy to return the attention, lips parting to allow the questing glossa entrance. He keeled softly as his lover explored his mouth, delving into every crevasse. It was different from the kisses they had shared before, hot and possessive. Grapple kissed back with the same passion, glossa sliding slickly against his lover's.

Blitzwing let his hands wander over his lover's plating as they kissed, seeking out sensitive spots. Grapple gasped and writhed against him, arching into his partner's touch. He tried to reach back to touch his partner, but Blitzwing captured his hand and pressed it down to the berth. Grapple gasped as the kiss broke, intakes heaving as warm lips trailed down his neck. The gasp became a low keen as a powerful hand found his interface panel and stroked the warm metal gently. Grapple let it slide back, eager to have his partner touch him.

Blitzwing smirked into his mate's neck, pleased at how eagerly he opened for him. He stroked the partially pressurized spike gently, enjoying the sweet sounds he pulled from his little crane. Grapple bucked into his touch, trying to encourage firmer touches. Letting his own panel slide free, Blitzwing obeyed, firmly wrapping his hand around Grapple's length, stroking it firmly.

Grapple knew he wasn't going to last. It had been too long since he had been touched like this. Between the talented hand on his spike, the warm lips suckling at his throat, and the thick length pressed against his aft, the younger mech was drowning in ecstasy. When Blitzwing moved from playing with his spike to stroking the rim of his valve, he arched his back hard, mouth open in a perfect "O" as overload tore threw him. The energy from his overload lashed against his partner, who grinded up against his aft several times before following him over the edge.

The couple pay pressed together on the berth, intakes heaving, as they came down from their high. Grapple turned so that he was curled against Blitzwing, and pressed his lips to his partner's in a chaste kiss. They stayed there for a while, leisurely exchanging kisses before the triplechanger reluctantly pulled away.

"We had better get cleaned up now if you want to make it to the symphony on time." Grapple groaned, but pulled himself upright. He looked down at his stained plating, before looking back at his mate.

"Separate showers, I think." Blitzwing leered at him.

"Probably a good idea. Otherwise I might not be able to stop myself from ravishing you silly." Energon rushed to Grapple's cheeks, but he smiled.

"I'll be fast." Blitzwing nodded, before capturing the smaller Decepticon's lips in a heated kiss.

"We'll finish this tonight." Grapple ended up spending much more time in the washracks than he had planned to. His plating shone with a brilliance he had rarely bothered cultivating before, even with Hoist. But he wanted the night to be perfect, starting with his appearance. And when Blitzwing joined him, freshly waxed and elegant, he was tempted to skip the symphony and stay in instead. They ended up making it to the outdoor theater with only moments to spare.

fic: constructicon creators

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