Until It's Gone Chapter 5

Jul 06, 2012 21:26

Rated: T
Pairing: Soundwave/Starscream
Disclaimer: Hasbro still refuses to give them up.
Summary: You don't know what you have until its gone. Its a hard lesson to learn, and a painful one

Ratbat huddled into Ravage's side, sobs wracking his small body. His creator was dying. No one had come out and said it, but he was young, not stupid. He looked up at his big brother with watery optics, but Ravage wasn't looking at him. He was focused on the medbay doors that separated them from their creator. He could hear Rumble and Frenzy talking softly, both sounding much younger than they were. He had never seen his unruly siblings to quiet and scared before. The eagle twins were quiet too, but now it was a somber silence, instead of their usual stoicism.

The littlest mech jumped when Ravage nuzzled him, trying to provide some comfort.

"Hush little one. The Autobot medic is the best Cybertron has ever seen. If anyone can save Creator, he can." Ratbat tried to believe that. The medic had certainly seemed determined. He had rushed Soundwave to the Ark, ignoring all protests. The medbay had been prepped and the entire medical team had been standing by by the time the family had reached the Ark. The younglings weren't allowed to stay with their creator. Only Starscream had been allowed to go back with him, and only because it was his life fluid that was keeping Soundwave alive.

It had been almost three groons now, but they still hadn't heard anything. They knew he was alive - their creator/creation bond told them that much - but beyond that, there was nothing. Ratbat didn't like that. Soundwave was always a calm, stable influence on his spark. He couldn't go away! They would be lost without him.

Starscream was exhausted. They had worked for what felt like forever to stabilize Soundwave's spark. For a long time it looked as though their efforts were going to fail. Three times the sapphire mech's spark had guttered, only to reignite a moment later. Say what you want about the Decepticon CCO, the mech was a fighter.

Sighing wearily, Starscream stood out of the way as the medical team cleaned up. He had stayed out of their way after he was no longer needed, as his first aid skills wouldn't have been of much use in the surgery. He had been reluctant to leave, however. So he had been as unobtrusive as possible and watched Soundwave fight for his life. The seeker was beyond relieved that his former rival would pull through. Thinking of six others who would be relieved as well, Starscream commed Ratchet.

::Unless you want to, I will tell the cassettes that Soundwave will be fine.:: Ratchet looked up in surprise, having forgotten that the Air Commander was still in the room.

::Go ahead,:: he replied ::I have more to finish up here. Besides, they might take it better coming from you.:: It hadn't escaped Ratchet's notice that the cassettes had alerted Starscream of Soundwave's injuries, instead of Hook or even the Autobot medics. He figured that Starscream, as a familiar face and someone who they seemed to respect, would be more of a comfort to the younglings. Starscream nodded his thanks.

Stepping out of the medbay, he immediately spotted the siblings. They were spread across the hall outside the 'bay doors. Rumble and Frenzy were slumped together with the red twin tucked under his counterpart's arm. He was sure that exhaustion was the only reason the twins had succumbed to recharge. Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw were still online, but barely. Their optics were dim and flickering with the effort to stay online. Both perked up slightly when they saw Starscream. Ravage was the only one fully alert, with a recharging Ratbat tucked into his side. He looked at Starscream with hopeful optics.

"He is going to be fine," Starscream told them softly. "He is in stasis for now, and likely will be for the next several joors."

"Can we see him?" Ravage asked, voice just as quiet. He didn't bother with using his comm; there was no one else around to hear him speak.

"Not right now. You need to recharge, and he is not going anywhere. Once you are all well rested you may visit." Ravage wanted to argue, but a glance at his exhausted siblings kept him from doing so.

"Very well. Where are we supposed to recharge?"

"For now you will stay with me. I have plenty of room. Tomorrow we can look into different living arrangements if you wish." Ravage nodded. Starscream turned his attention to the eagle twins. "Are you able to walk a short distance?" Both flyers nodded. "Ravage, can you carry Ratbat?"


"Good." The Air Commander bent down and scooped up the mech twins, who protested at being moved. They didn't wake, and simply snuggled into the seeker's arms before going still once again. Ravage picked up his littlest sibling gently, being careful not to wake the small flyer as Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw stumbled to their pedes. When it became clear that they were not going to be able to walk steadily Starscream knelt and let them clamber up onto his shoulders. Once he was certain that they were secure he straightened and headed for his room.

It wasn't a long walk, and in no time the group was ensconced in the Air Commander's quarters. Starscream had pointed out the living area, the energon dispenser and wash rack before settling the younglings into recharge. All six were able to fit comfortably on his berth. Ravage had looked at him questioningly, wanting to know where he was going to recharge, but the seeker had waved off his concerns. His couch was actually quite comfortable. He made sure that all of Soundwave's children were deeply in recharge before slipping out of the room. He made his way to the living area, and settled down on the couch. It wasn't long before he dropped into recharge.

A small weight dropping onto his chassis jerked him out of recharge only a few breems later. He onlined his optics to find Ratbat making himself comfortable on top of him. The little mech burrowed into his chassis with a purr, going into recharge easily now that he was cuddled into a warm body. Starscream simply looked at the little flyer, before deciding it wasn't worth the effort to move Ratbat back to the berthroom, and tried to go back into recharge.

He was disturbed once again as two small bodies climbed onto the couch and tucked themselves under his arm. Rumble and Frenzy didn't say a word; the just looked at him with defiance, fully expecting him to tell them to go away. The seeker sighed, and moved his arm slightly so that they would be more comfortable and wouldn't fall off the couch. It wasn't long after that the three oldest siblings made their way from the berthroom to Starscream. Seeing their brothers recharging with the seeker had them clambering up to claim their own spots. Starscream wasn't Soundwave, but they liked him and trusted him, and right now he was all they had. And he was comfy and not telling them to go away. Pleased, they all made themselves comfortable before drifting into recharge. This time they didn't wake. Starscream watched silently, moving at times to help accommodate them. Once they were settled and recharging he finally let his exhaustion take him.

Skywarp giggled. The sound wasn't enough to wake any of the recharging mechs. He tried to resist the urge, but he couldn't. He took several image captures of his trine leader curled up with Soundwave's brood. It was sweet. Besides, Starscream was finally getting a good recharge. It was a shame he had to wake them, but Star would be mad at him if he let him sleep through their morning shift. Deciding to be nice and not prank the recharging mechs he simply commed his trinemate.

::Star, it's time to get up!:: The younger seeker came out of recharge quickly.

::Warp? What are you doing in here?::

::We are taking the Aerialbots to the Canyon today, remember? To do that obstacle course.:: Starscream's optics widened.

::Frag, I completely forgot. Push it back by two joors. I need to take these guys to see Optimus and figure out what they are going to do now. I doubt they have any interest in going back to Megatron, given how badly he hurt Soundwave.:: Skywarp grinned.

::No problem. I bet the jetlings will be glad to have a bit of extra recharge time. I'll let TC know too!:: With a soft vop the black and purple flyer was gone. Shaking his head at his trine-brother's antics, Starscream set about waking the sleeping younglings. He sat up slowly, the movement jostling Ravage and the eagle twins out of recharge. The other three seemed determined not to move, and buried their heads against his plating. Starscream laughed softly.

"Come on, it's time to get up. We have to go talk to Optimus, and then I can take you to see Soundwave." That had all of the younglings wide awake and eager. Energon was consumed quickly, and then the siblings were escorted to Optimus' office. Starscream announced them, and then led them into the room when Optimus called for them to come in.

The leader of the Autobots was seated at his desk, datapads tucked neatly to the side. He gave them a moment to find comfortable seats before speaking.

"Welcome to the Ark. I am sorry we are unable to meet under better circumstances. I know you are all worried about Soundwave, and what is going to happen to you. Until Soundwave regains consciousness you are going to be under house arrest. What this means is that you go nowhere on the Ark without an Autobot escort. Your weapons will be disabled, and your long distance comms will be jammed. You will only be able to communicate via comm with others on the Ark. At night you will be locked in your quarters, with one guard posted outside your door. Do you understand?" While Optimus preferred to see the good in everyone, he wasn't stupid. He knew these rules would grate on the younglings. But until they were one hundred percent sure that this was not an elaborate plot cooked up by his brother he would enforce them. He had the safety of his crew to think about, and that had to come before soothing the cassettes need for freedom.

"What about our creator?" Ravage asked. "What's going to happen to him?"

"Once he is recovering we will discuss with him the prospect of asylum, which will extend to all of you as well. I realize that Megatron is somewhat… unstable, and that the Ark may be the safest place for you and your creator. What happens will depend on whether or not Soundwave is willing to compromise, and if you and he pose and internal threat to my crew." Ravage nodded. The Autobot didn't mince words or try to coddle them, and they appreciated that. They were soldiers despite their ages, and didn't respond will to belittlement. None of them liked the idea of this…house arrest, but it was better than being thrown in the brig for the foreseeable future, so they would deal with it. Even Rumble and Frenzy would behave themselves. They wouldn't risk Soundwave's - or their own - future for something as trivial as rebellion.

"Where are our quarters going to be?" Ratbat piped up. He wanted to stay with Starscream. The little flyer had always liked him and the the Air Commander had been really nice to them, cuddling with them and giving them energon.

"They can stay with me until you get a room prepared. I know that it will take some time to convert one of the storage rooms to a livable space." Optimus shot a look at his Air Commander.

:: They are younglings Optimus. Dangerous younglings who have spent most of their lives fighting for survival yes, but still younglings. And until Soundwave recovers enough to care for them someone has to. I do not mind, and my trine will help me. Between the three of us we should be enough to keep an optic on them most of the time. And when we can't we can always find them a sitter. :: While Optimus was concerned about former Decepticons living with the seeker, he conceded to Starscream's logic. Besides, the poorly hidden relief was easy to read in all six of the small mechs.

"Very well. I will alert you when the room has been completed. It will likely take a decaorn."

"Can we go see Soundwave now?" Rumble asked in his best polite voice. It wasn't one he used often.

"Yes. Check with Ratchet first, but I see no reason for you not to visit."

"Thank you!" Optimus smiled behind his mask. He hoped that the small family was going to be alright. He really did. But given his Air Commander's…personal interest in ensuring their success, he had every confidence that they would be just fine.

Author's Note: Hi Everyone! I'm back! With a new job and new house I am hoping that I finally have time for more writing! Hope everyone who celebrates it had a great 4th of July! Next chapter we will see Soundwave's reaction to waking up on the Ark. Thanks for reading!

fic: until it's gone

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