Mar 30, 2008 21:15
I couldn't help myself and ended up putting a few hours into Crisis Core. So far I'm liking the game a lot, even though I find some aspects of it to be strange. At the very least Zack's cheerful personality is refreshing compared to FFVII's mostly silent and sullen Cloud.
I can definitely see the influence of Final Fantasy XII in the implementations of zones within an area and a map to help navigate the said zones. I'm actually liking the zones but they're not quite as refined as they are in FFXII.
As for the combat system I'm finding the action to be a mixed bag. I'm liking the fact that I can run around enemies, dodge them or defend myself but I'm hating the fact that the battles are random. In addition to borrowing the concepts of zones from FFXII they should have axed the random battles, I think it would have helped everything flow smoother. It just feels weird to be running around only to have the game pause every few minutes just to fight even if it is in real time. Speaking of battle, I'm enjoying the fact that I don't have to use menus but continually pressing the X button to fight all of the time does get repetitive. Using the L and R shoulder buttons to cycle through commands to get to material and items does help with alleviate some of the repetitiveness.
The difficultly of the game can vary at lot. Many people have said the game is easy and to a degree they are right. After getting used to the battle system I found most of the fights to be mildly challenging. This may be fine for the story fights but the missions which are side quests performed separately are another story. The missions are labeled from "Very Easy" to "Very Hard" although some "Very Hard" missions are actually harder than others and seemed designed to keep you from doing too much at once as I tried to do. And yes, I got K.O.ed in one shot by a boss but I got to keep the stats I gained during the mission.
Lastly, the Digital Mind Wave or DMW system definitely takes some getting used to. It's a strange way to level up and unleash special attacks but somehow it works. Minus those cut scenes as the DMW effects activate and when a Summon is activated, I wish I could skip those.
This game is leaving a pretty good impression on me or I could just be a sucker for almost anything relating to FFVII. (I suspect it is a combination of the two.)
Now, back to homework and this awesome Phoenix Wright trilogy soundtrack collection.